

September 2012 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Comics Shipped to North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

September 2011 was when the New 52 relaunch at DC began in full, and while retailer orders of periodicals couldn't quite match the those meteoric levels, a healthy rise in graphic novel and trade paperback orders made up the difference. September dollar orders overall rose 1.02%, to nearly $39 million.

Marvel had the top periodical with Avengers Vs. X-Men #11. But DC, with its "Zero Month" promotion, took all the other slots in the Top 10.

Because the third quarter of 2011 contained the start of the DC relaunch, the industry's pace against 2011 actually slowed by two full percentage points: the Direct Market was up 16.16% for the year by the end of September. But it took retailers until the second week of November 2011 to order as much material as they had by September 30 in 2012.

Read more in our preliminary and final analysis posts for the month. You can also click to skip to the Top Graphic Novels for the month.

—John Jackson Miller

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 300 chart plus any post-#300 items from its Top Independent and Small Publisher charts.
If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.
Items marked with asterisks [*] had their reported orders reduced by 10% due to returnability.
Click to read the methodology for this table's estimates.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitsDollarsComic-book TitleIssuePricePublisherEst. units
11Avengers Vs X-Men11$3.99Marvel167,327
33Justice League0$3.99DC125,868
46Green Lantern0$2.99DC89,909
54Detective Comics0$3.99DC84,063
65Action Comics0$3.99DC78,626
714Batman The Dark Knight0$2.99DC72,919
820Batman And Robin0$2.99DC69,146
921Earth 20$2.99DC69,111
1022Batman Incorporated0$2.99DC66,112
138Uncanny X-Men18$3.99Marvel59,794
147Amazing Spider-Man693$3.99Marvel59,772
169Amazing Spider-Man694$3.99Marvel58,461
1811New Avengers30$3.99Marvel56,742
1912Wolverine And X-Men16$3.99Marvel55,857
2013Before Watchmen Comedian3$3.99DC55,114
2115Wolverine And X-Men17$3.99Marvel54,768
2316Before Watchmen Silk Spectre3$3.99DC53,464
2425Walking Dead102*$2.99Image53,337
2517Before Watchmen Nite Owl3$3.99DC53,270
2818Before Watchmen Ozymandias3$3.99DC52,280
3036Wonder Woman0$2.99DC49,778
3139Teen Titans0$2.99DC47,318
3238Green Lantern Corps0$2.99DC47,309
3341Green Lantern New Guardians0$2.99DC46,718
3427Uncanny X-Force31$3.99Marvel44,061
3545Worlds Finest0$2.99DC42,770
3829Ultimate Comics Spider-Man14$3.99Marvel40,960
3931Justice League12$3.99DC40,439
4030Ultimate Comics Spider-Man15$3.99Marvel40,435
4158Swamp Thing0$2.99DC40,123
4261Red Hood And The Outlaws0$2.99DC39,511
4563Red Lanterns0$2.99DC38,928
4664Animal Man0$2.99DC38,295
4734Avengers Assemble7$3.99Marvel38,259
4959Phantom Stranger0*$2.99DC36,093
5067X-Men Legacy273$2.99Marvel36,020
5137Secret Avengers31$3.99Marvel35,987
5240Avenging Spider-Man12$3.99Marvel35,462
5369Fantastic Four610$2.99Marvel35,388
5471X-Men Legacy274$2.99Marvel35,168
5674Justice League Dark0$2.99DC34,287
5742Captain America17$3.99Marvel34,279
5843Incredible Hulk14$3.99Marvel33,887
5944Incredible Hulk13$3.99Marvel33,858
6478Suicide Squad0$2.99DC31,875
6649First X-Men2$3.99Marvel31,415
6773Team 70*$2.99DC31,053
6851Invincible Iron Man524$3.99Marvel30,976
6952Invincible Iron Man525$3.99Marvel30,885
7080Birds of Prey0$2.99DC30,574
7153Ultimate Comics Ultimates16$3.99Marvel30,533
7255Ultimate Comics Ultimates15$3.99Marvel30,382
7354Mighty Thor19$3.99Marvel30,289
7456Astonishing X-Men54$3.99Marvel30,225
7557Mighty Thor20$3.99Marvel30,172
8086Green Arrow0$2.99DC28,408
8291Scarlet Spider9$2.99Marvel27,140
8366Ultimate Comics X-Men16$3.99Marvel27,066
8460Sword of Sorcery0*$3.99DC26,959
8594Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Freefall13$2.99Dark Horse25,864
8697Winter Soldier10$2.99Marvel25,811
8775All Star Western0$3.99DC25,388
88101Winter Soldier11$2.99Marvel25,310
90102Captain Marvel4$2.99Marvel24,799
91103X-Treme X-Men3$2.99Marvel24,490
92104Dial H0$2.99DC24,070
93107Avengers Academy36$2.99Marvel23,822
9470X-O Manowar5$3.99Valiant23,800
95106Dark Avengers180$2.99Marvel23,761
96109Age of Apocalypse7$2.99Marvel23,618
97110Dark Avengers181$2.99Marvel23,044
98111Avengers Academy37$2.99Marvel23,027
99114X-Treme X-Men4$2.99Marvel22,584
10477Star Trek Tng Doctor Who Assimilation5$3.99IDW22,022
109122Legion of Super Heroes0$2.99DC21,561
110128Journey Into Mystery643$2.99Marvel21,109
11190Batman Beyond Unlimited8$3.99DC20,897
113133Journey Into Mystery644$2.99Marvel20,588
114132Demon Knights0$2.99DC20,474
115134Batman Arkham Unhinged6$2.99DC20,259
11784Adventure Time8$3.99Boom19,755
118136He Man and The Masters of the Universe2$2.99DC19,737
11993Smallville Season 115$3.99DC19,499
120140Captain America And Black Widow636$2.99Marvel19,101
121144New Mutants49$2.99Marvel18,943
122142Legion Lost0$2.99DC18,786
123143Savage Hawkman0$2.99DC18,750
124145Captain America And Black Widow637$2.99Marvel18,722
126149Frankenstein Agent of Shade0$2.99DC18,122
127126Manhattan Projects6$3.50Image17,981
128148I Vampire0$2.99DC17,920
12995Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing14$3.99IDW17,682
13068DC Universe Presents0$5.99DC17,528
13198Shadow5$3.99Dynamic Forces17,284
132151Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Men0$2.99DC17,279
13399Adventure Time Marceline Scream Queens3$3.99Boom17,071
134152Thief of Thieves8$2.99Image17,070
135155Blue Beetle0$2.99DC16,888
136157Resurrection Man0$2.99DC16,672
138156Buffy The Vampire Slayer Spike2$2.99Dark Horse16,589
139162Angel & Faith14$2.99Dark Horse16,139
140108Boys70$3.99Dynamic Forces16,027
142169Star Wars Darth Maul Death Sentence3$2.99Dark Horse15,509
143147Star Wars Darth Vader Ghost Prison5$3.50Dark Horse15,455
145175American Vampire31$2.99DC14,796
146139Fury Max6$3.99Marvel14,646
147123Archer & Armstrong2$3.99Valiant14,539
149153Conan The Barbarian8$3.50Dark Horse14,443
152141G.I. Combat0$3.99DC14,072
154179Captain Atom0$2.99DC13,934
155131Star Trek Next Generation Hive1$3.99IDW13,927
157181Star Wars Lost Tribe of the Sith Spiral2$2.99Dark Horse13,648
158112Thanos Final Threat1$4.99Marvel13,556
159189American Vampire Lord of Nightmares4$2.99DC13,472
160167Massive4$3.50Dark Horse13,427
161137Tmnt Micro Series8$3.99IDW13,356
162150Dark Tower Gunslinger Man In Black4$3.99Marvel13,240
163138Damsels1$3.99Dynamic Forces13,201
164154National Comics Rose And Thorn1$3.99DC12,859
165130Fashion Beast1$3.99Avatar12,831
166105Magic The Gathering Spell Thief3$4.99IDW12,717
167193Phantom Lady2$2.99DC12,653
168185Road To Oz1$3.99Marvel12,620
170197Ghost0$2.99Dark Horse12,234
171163Untold Tales of Punisher Max4$3.99Marvel12,074
172203Punk Rock Jesus3$2.99DC11,962
173170Space Punisher3$3.99Marvel11,713
174206Mind The Gap4$2.99Image11,568
175127Shadow Annual1$4.99Dynamic Forces11,437
176187Star Wars Knight Errant Escape4$3.50Dark Horse11,368
177158Transformers Regeneration One83$3.99IDW11,289
178159Danger Girl G.I. Joe3$3.99IDW11,275
179161Rocketeer Cargo of Doom2$3.99IDW11,087
180214Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe1$2.99Marvel10,993
181165Transformers Robots In Disguise Ongoing9$3.99IDW10,829
182164Game of Thrones10$3.99Dynamic Forces10,803
183216Mind The Gap5$2.99Image10,791
184166Transformers More Than Meets Eye Ongoing9$3.99IDW10,706
185196Lobster Johnson Caput Mortuum1$3.50Dark Horse10,578
186173Star Trek Ongoing13$3.99IDW10,396
189199BPRD Hell On Earth Return of the Master2$3.50Dark Horse10,271
190209Guarding The Globe1*$2.99Image10,183
191180Godzilla Half Century War2$3.99IDW9,454
192231Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe2$2.99Marvel9,451
19389Transformers More Meets Eye Annual 20121$7.99IDW9,443
194182Warlord of Mars21$3.99Dynamic Forces9,388
195183Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris15$3.99Dynamic Forces9,345
197188Peter Cannon Thunderbolt1$3.99Dynamic Forces9,115
199184Crossed Badlands13$3.99Avatar8,882
20096Transformers Robots In Disguise Annual 20120$7.99IDW8,810
201190Crossed Badlands14$3.99Avatar8,678
203192Godzilla Ongoing5$3.99IDW8,597
204246Superman Family Adventures5$2.99DC8,572
205247Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe3$2.99Marvel8,536
206248Black Kiss II2$2.99Image8,362
207198G.I. Joe A Real American Hero182$3.99IDW8,239
209200Mars Attacks4$3.99IDW8,194
210254Saucer Country7$2.99DC8,152
211226Goon42$3.50Dark Horse8,142
212201G.I. Joe Vol. 2 Ongoing17$3.99IDW8,138
213258New Deadwardians7$2.99DC8,080
214202Vampirella22$3.99Dynamic Forces8,027
215288New Crusaders Rise of the Heroes1$2.99Archie7,990
216262Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe4$2.99Marvel7,989
217207Peanuts Vol. 22$3.99Boom7,955
218204True Blood Ongoing4$3.99IDW7,932
219205Rachel Rising11$3.99Abstract7,915
222208Vampirella23$3.99Dynamic Forces7,790
223244Spongebob Comics12$2.99United Plankton7,767
224176Simpsons Treehouse of Horror18$4.99Bongo7,746
225269Young Justice20$2.99DC7,515
226212True Blood Ongoing5$3.99IDW7,480
227213Ghostbusters Ongoing13$3.99IDW7,435
228215Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow17$3.99IDW7,391
229217Kevin Smith Bionic Man13$3.99Dynamic Forces7,366
230275Sweet Tooth37$2.99DC7,333
231218Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics4$3.99IDW7,322
232232Steed And Mrs Peel Ongoing1$3.99Boom7,247
233245Creep1$3.50Dark Horse7,236
234220Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood16$3.99Dynamic Forces7,208
235221Cobra Ongoing17$3.99IDW7,112
236211Lady Death21$3.99Avatar6,990
237222The Spider5$3.99Dynamic Forces6,985
238251Tarot Witch of the Black Rose76$2.95Broadsword6,955
239223Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood17$3.99Dynamic Forces6,942
240267Simpsons Comics194$2.99Bongo6,861
241268Sonic Universe44$2.99Archie6,860
242250Grimm Fairy Tales77$2.99Zenescope6,847
244253Grimm Fairy Tales Jungle Book5$2.99Zenescope6,763
245135Doctor Who Annual 20120$7.99IDW6,722
247272It Girl & The Atomics2*$2.99Image6,641
248273Mega Man17$2.99Archie6,638
249219Call of Wonderland4$3.99Zenescope6,623
250286Green Lantern The Animated Series6$2.99DC6,619
251241Michael Avon Oemings The Victories2$3.99Dark Horse6,511
252227Flash Gordon Zeitgeist6$3.99Dynamic Forces6,500
253225Dark Shadows Vampirella2$3.99Dynamic Forces6,497
254228Cape 19693$3.99IDW6,484
255289Night Force7$2.99DC6,402
257230Jennifer Blood First Blood1$3.99Dynamic Forces6,372
258233Planet of the Apes Cataclysm1$3.99Boom6,264
259271Grimm Fairy Tales Bad Girls2$2.99Zenescope6,143
262239Green Hornet28$3.99Dynamic Forces5,939
263238Vampirella Red Room3$3.99Dynamic Forces5,938
264240Bionic Woman4$3.99Dynamic Forces5,928
265296Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Heroes6$2.99Marvel5,906
266242Stumptown V21$3.99Oni5,899
267298Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man6$2.99Marvel5,873
268299Hell Yeah5$2.99Image5,872
271172Dark Horse Presents16$7.99Dark Horse5,765
272280Think Tank2$3.99Image5,713
273281Grimm Fairy Tales Myths & Legends20$2.99Zenescope5,674
274255Army of Darkness Ongoing5$3.99Dynamic Forces5,463
275256Queen Sonja32$3.99Dynamic Forces5,454
276257The Lone Ranger9$3.99Dynamic Forces5,451
278295Bart Simpson Comics75$2.99Bongo5,348
279282Fathom Vol. 47$3.50Aspen5,303
280264Dark Shadows7$3.99Dynamic Forces5,265
282266Fanboys Vs Zombies6$3.99Boom5,215
284310Epic Kill5$2.99Image5,098
286285Mind Mgmt5$3.99Dark Horse5,017
287284Creator Owned Heroes4$3.99Image4,992
288311Scooby Doo Where Are You25$2.99DC4,979
289297Strain8$3.50Dark Horse4,977
290274Womanthology Space1$3.99IDW4,953
291276Classic Popeye Ongoing2$3.99IDW4,924
294277Soulfire Vol. 42$3.99Aspen4,824
295279Red Sonja Atlantis Rises2$3.99Dynamic Forces4,813
297283Executive Assistant Assassins3$3.99Aspen4,584
298305Savage Dragon181$3.50Image4,556
299287Higher Earth5$3.99Boom4,502
300327Hoax Hunters3$2.99Image4,404
303345Lookouts Riddle Vol. 11$3.99Cryptozoic4,144
304300Atomic Robo Flying She Devils of the Pacific3$3.50Red 54,141
313330Atomic Robo Real Science Adv6$2.75Red 53,934
320304Waking Dream End4$3.99Zenescope3,376
326325Sixth Gun25$3.99Oni3,081
351302Basaldua & Debalfo Cover Gallery0$5.99Zenescope2,332
354369Dead Mans Run3$3.50Aspen2,247
358354Adventures of A Comic Con Girl2$3.99Antarctic2,080
363361Last Zombie Before The After1$3.99Antarctic2,012
372372Gold Digger142$3.99Antarctic1,857
376376Gearhearts Steampunk Glamor Revue4$3.99Antarctic1,763
379378Betty & Veronica Double Digest205$3.99Archie1,729
381394Penny For Your Soul False Prophet7$3.50Big Dog1,672
384337Knights of the Dinner Table190$5.99Kenzer1,631
385384Archer & Armstrong1$3.99Valiant1,621
387385Archie Double Digest233$3.99Archie1,602
394393Archie & Friends Double Digest20$3.99Archie1,398
395411Critter4$3.50Big Dog1,391
396396Bad Medicine5$3.99Oni1,372

September 2012 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Shipped to North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 300 Graphic Novel charts, plus any post-#300 items from its Top Independent and Manga charts. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.

The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

Trade paperbacks and graphic novel sales helped keep the market just barely in positive territory for the month — though it's debatable whether the market-leading title, Thanos Quest #1, should be counted with the trades.

UnitsDollarsTrade Paperback titlePricePublisherEst. units
16Thanos Quest #1$7.99Marvel13,133
23Judas Coin HC$22.99DC5,248
32Walking Dead HC Vol. 8$34.99Image5,221
423Avatar Last Airbender Vol. 3 Promise Part 3$10.99Dark Horse5,184
55Aquaman HC Vol. 1 The Trench$22.99DC4,943
636Tower Chronicles Vol. 1 Geisthawk$7.99Legendary4,875
713Manhattan Projects Vol. 1 Science Bad$14.99Image4,640
814Thief of Thieves Vol. 1$14.99Image4,475
916Batman Arkham City $16.99DC3,934
104Batman Knightfall New Ed Vol. 3 Knightsend$29.99DC3,865
1128Teen Titans Vol. 1 Its Our Right To Fight$14.99DC3,575
1219Dr Strange Prem HC Season One$24.99Marvel3,514
1356Walking Dead Vol. 1 Days Gone Bye$9.99Image3,342
1441Nemesis $14.99Marvel3,032
1524Star Trek The Next Generation Doctor Who Assimilation Vol. 1$17.99IDW2,995
1642Birds of Prey Vol. 1 Trouble In Mind$14.99DC2,967
1762Naruto Vol. 58$9.99Viz2,893
1834American Vampire Vol. 3$16.99DC2,881
1935Green Lantern War of the Green Lanterns $16.99DC2,793
2021Green Lantern Corps HC Vol. 1 Fearsome$22.99DC2,754
2118American Vampire HC Vol. 4$24.99DC2,672
2257Sailor Moon Kodansha Ed Vol. 7$10.99Random House2,536
2343Love And Rockets New Stories Vol. 5$14.99Fantagraphics2,473
2447Winter Soldier Vol. 1 Longest Winter$15.99Marvel2,455
2527Crossed Wish You Were Here Vol. 1$19.99Avatar2,454
2644Deadpool Vol. 10 Evil Deadpool$16.99Marvel2,423
2745Venom Circle of Four $19.99Marvel2,390
2848Brightest Day Vol. 3$16.99DC2,183
2939Star Wars Crimson Empire III Empire Lost $19.99Dark Horse2,157
3033Batman Earth One HC$22.99DC2,157
3163Penguin Pain And Prejudice $14.99DC2,130
3258Berserk Vol. 36$14.99Dark Horse2,125
3354Uncanny X-Men By Kieron Gillen Vol. 1$16.99Marvel2,081
3465Walking Dead Vol. 2 Miles Behind Us$14.99Image2,057
3532Batman HC Vol. 1 The Court of Owls$24.99DC1,987
3646Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing Vol. 3 Shadows$17.99IDW1,954
37104Bleach Vol. 46$9.99Viz1,952
3815Spider-Man Spider-Island $34.99Marvel1,942
39107Bleach Vol. 47$9.99Viz1,942
4026Oz HC Dorothy And Wizard In Oz$29.99Marvel1,914
4194Hulk Smash Avengers $14.99Marvel1,888
4249Daredevil By Mark Waid Prem HC Vol. 3$19.99Marvel1,877
4374Fury of Firestorm Nuclear Men Vol. 1 God Particle$14.99DC1,855
4476Legion Lost Vol. 1 Run From Tomorrow$14.99DC1,850
45100X-Men War Machines $14.99Marvel1,850
4675Walking Dead Vol. 16 A Larger World$14.99Image1,833
4740World of Warcraft Pearl of Pandaria HC$24.99DC1,821
4895Journey Into Mystery Vol. 2 Fear Itself Fallout$15.99Marvel1,812
4972Ultimate Comics X-Men By Nick Spencer Vol. 1$15.99Marvel1,784
5078Fear Itself Secret Avengers$19.99Marvel1,763
51359Night of the Living Dead Day of the Undead$2.99Avatar1,735
5255Batman Dark Knight Returns $19.99DC1,725
53129Marvels Avengers Black Widow Strikes$12.99Marvel1,701
5481Walking Dead Vol. 3 Safety Behind Bars$14.99Image1,688
55128Captain America And Hawkeye $12.99Marvel1,681
567Dave Stevens Stories & Covers HC$49.99IDW1,662
5768Uncanny X-Men By Kieron Gillen Prem HC Vol. 3 AVX$19.99Marvel1,645
5888Stand Vol. 4 Hardcases$19.99Marvel1,625
5987Voodoo Vol. 1 What Lies Beneath$14.99DC1,615
6070Batman The Killing Joke Special Ed HC$17.99DC1,612
6177Punisher By Greg Rucka Vol. 2$16.99Marvel1,606
6290Superman Chronicles Vol. 10$14.99DC1,592
6393Flash Vol. 2 The Road To Flashpoint$14.99DC1,576
6496Yotsuba & ! Vol. 11$11.99Hachette1,573
6566Wolverine And X-Men By Jason Aaron Prem HC Vol. 3 AVX$19.99Marvel1,558
6667Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 2$19.99DC1,521
6769Grimm Fairy Tales Vol. 12$15.99Zenescope1,494
6837Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Library HC Vol. 2 Wolves At Gate$29.99Dark Horse1,481
69125Thunderbolts Like Lightning$16.99Marvel1,480
70116Sonic The Hedgehog Select Vol. 6$11.99Archie1,478
7151Batman Hush Complete $24.99DC1,473
7220Incognito Classified Edition HC$44.99Marvel1,444
7386Superman The Black Ring Vol. 2$16.99DC1,438
74139One Piece Vol. 64$9.99Viz1,435
7571Chronicles of King Conan Vol. 3$18.99Dark Horse1,432
761Joe Kubert Tarzan of the Apes Artist Ed HC$75.00IDW1,390
7730Star Wars Crimson Empire Saga HC$34.99Dark Horse1,378
78111Green Arrow Longbow Hunters New Ed$14.99DC1,373
7999Avengers Celestial Quest $24.99Marvel1,354
8085Alien Illustrated Story $14.95Random House1,349
819Marvel Masterworks Iron Fist HC Vol. 2$69.99Marvel1,342
82112Walking Dead Vol. 4 Hearts Desire$14.99Image1,341
8391Squee $15.95Slave Labor1,338
84101Wolverine Goodbye Chinatown$16.99Marvel1,333
85147Knuckles The Echidna Archives Vol. 3$9.99Archie1,319
86103Fear Itself Uncanny X-Men$16.99Marvel1,297
87118Fringe Beyond The Fringe $14.99DC1,290
88168Glory Vol. 1 The Once & Future Destroyer$9.99Image1,288
8964Batman The Long Halloween $24.99DC1,279
9082Showcase Presents Amethsyt Vol. 1$19.99DC1,276
9179Cardcaptor Sakura Dark Horse Omnibus Vol. 4$19.99Dark Horse1,274
9222100 Bullets HC Book 3$49.99DC1,269
93146Avatar Last Airbender Vol. 1 Promise Part 1$10.99Dark Horse1,256
948Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Tales of Suspense HC Vol. 4$74.99Marvel1,255
9584Lobo Portrait of A Bastich$19.99DC1,250
9650Batman Knightfall New Ed Vol. 1$29.99DC1,229
97152Oreimo Vol. 1$10.99Dark Horse1,228
9892Spider-Man Lizard Prem HC No Turning Back$19.99Marvel1,203
99115Prince of Cats $16.99DC1,193
10012Walking Dead Compendium Vol. 1$59.99Image1,179
101130Walking Dead Vol. 5 Best Defense$14.99Image1,151
10298Invincible Iron Man Prem HC Vol. 10 Long Way Down$19.99Marvel1,145
10360Starman Omnibus Vol. 2$29.99DC1,122
104175Bakuman Vol. 14$9.99Viz1,106
105187Prophet Vol. 1 Remission$9.99Image1,105
106127X-Factor Vol. 15 They Keep Killing Madrox$16.99Marvel1,067
107109Wet Moon Vol. 6$17.99Oni1,047
108110Essential Punisher Vol. 4$19.99Marvel1,042
109201Mu Avengers Earths Heroes Digest Vol. 1$9.99Marvel1,035
11053X-Men Wedding of Cyclops And Phoenix $34.99Marvel1,023
11183Marvel Masterworks Invincible Iron Man Vol. 2$24.99Marvel1,020
112140Walking Dead Vol. 9 Here We Remain$14.99Image1,002
113526Mu Avengers Earths Heroes Comic Reader #3$3.99Marvel996
114141Walking Dead Vol. 15 We Find Ourselves$14.99Image993
11659Daredevil By Brubaker And Lark Ult Coll Book 3$34.99Marvel974
117154Naoki Urasawa 20th Century Boys Vol. 22$12.99Viz965
118144Walking Dead Vol. 6 Sorrowful Life$14.99Image945
11961Powers HC Vol. 5 Definitive Collection$34.99Marvel944
120117Criminal Macabre The Iron Spirt HC$19.99Dark Horse936
12197Marvel Zombies Destroy HC$24.99Marvel912
122155Walking Dead Vol. 14 No Way Out$14.99Image905
12380Scott Pilgrim Color HC Vol. 1$24.99Oni901
124165New Mutants Vol. 5 Date With Devil$14.99Marvel889
125124Angelic Layer Book 1$19.99Dark Horse887
126133Astonishing X-Men Gifted Prose Novel HC$24.99Marvel886
127162Spawn Origins Vol. 16$14.99Image876
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