

October 2020 Comics Sales by Diamond

Comics and Graphic Novels Ordered by North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This data refers to sales by Diamond. Click to see those from DC's distributors and the Overall market.

#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

Comichron projects that Diamond Comic Distributors shipped nearly 5.5 million comic books, graphic novels, and magazines to the Direct Market in October, including what we believe were a little over 5.1 million comic books. The latter is off from the number of comics Diamond shipped in October 2019 once DC is removed — but that month was the fourth best of its decade saleswise, benefiting from one more shipping week and a bloated release schedule. October 2020's performance was based on only 324 new comics, versus 407 non-DC releases then.

Comichron further projects overall Diamond print sales were on the order of $37 million at full retail, graphic novels included; the same month in 2019 saw non-DC sales of $38.5 million — again, in a month that had 26% more new comic-book releases.
The month's top five benefited from the curious case of consecutive anniversary issues. Marvel and Nick Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man #49, which is the 850th issue by Marvel's legacy numbering (explained in more detail here), was the top seller in units and dollars, while Amazing Spider-Man #50 placed fourth. Donny Cates' Venom #29 was the #2 seller at Diamond, with his Thor #8 ranked fourth.

Todd McFarlane's Spawn #311 placed third, on a reported six-figure sale. IDW's $8.99 TMNT: The Last Ronin #1 ranked 18th in units but fourth in dollars. Die!Namite #1 added to the growing list of "die"-named titles, ranking 23rd for Dynamite's top finisher. Boom's top-ranked title was Something Is Killing the Children #11, in 29th. All four of the aforementioned titles are returnable, meaning their true number of copies that entered circulation is higher than the rankings below may reflect; 111 comics were marked as returnable in the Top 500.

October market shares found Marvel leading Image around 5-to-1 in dollars; that's a smaller gap than existed between the publishers in both September 2020 and October 2019. Comichron projects that IDW, Boom, and Random House all saw increases in dollar sales over October 2019, even with one less shipping week in the mix.

DC appears in Diamond's market shares with a negative unit share; that presumably reflects returned copies that came in since summer.

“As we move into the fourth quarter, Diamond continues to be encouraged by the sales trends we’re seeing,” said Tim Lenaghan, Chief Purchasing officer of Geppi Family Enterprises, the parent company of Diamond.  “Over the course of the last three months we’ve seen a lot of stabilization in ordering patterns and, in many cases, these baseline numbers have exceeded our expectations."

UNDERSTANDING THE CHARTS: Diamond released unit and dollar sales rankings for comic books and graphic novels as well as market shares, but did not publish overall market size data or order index numbers for its titles. A major reason why could be found in the charts that did appear: many comics were returnable and major discounting continued, complicating the underlying math going into market size calculations. Returnable comics, marked with asterisks in the chart below, represented 111 entries out of the Top 500, a major chunk of the month's output. Each usually receives a pre-chart reduction made by Diamond of 10% in units, so already many entries are out of place compared with what really went to market.

In the absence of order index numbers, Comichron has supplemented the chart with its own projections, using a variety of resources to establish estimated sales levels. We again drew upon a subset of known retail orders to project the relative order volumes of comic-book releases, but added weight was given in October's report to other factors, including information from publishers, historical tracking, and the relationship between Diamond's unit and dollar sales rankings. We further projected the average prices retailers paid for every individual entry on the chart, based on the discount structures of those who published them and accounting for special offers; these further constrained our estimates. The market shares also helped, as they provide a cap on the number of units that Diamond could have shipped.

The result is the estimated order ranges you see below. While the ranges differ from the exact figures we've been able to derive in recent years, they could well have been applied to any of our charts before 2003, when Diamond switched from reporting preorders to reporting final orders. They're presented below to underscore that some uncertainty remains.

The rankings below are exactly what Diamond published; the projections are Comichron's.
For each issue, we've provided a range of what we believe are the lower and upper likely limits for an issue's North American shipments. The boundaries have been rounded to the nearest 5,000 for comics we think sold over 75,000 copies, the nearest 500 down to the 10,000-copy level, and 100 copies for items below 1,000 copies.

For this month, our best-guess estimates on all nonreturnable comics are at the midpoint for each range. Meanwhile, we've added to the upper bounds of the ranges for all comics that are marked as returnable in Diamond's charts. That reflects the fact that the true number of copies in circulation are initially higher than Diamond's rankings reflect.

Diamond offered nine comic books with variants at a different price; below, their sales have been fused and sorted in the rankings near where they would have gone by default. You can find the component versions at the bottom of the chart. Dollar rankings are based on the components' sales, and are unchanged from what Diamond published.

Things to remember: While the relative sales levels of titles we report below depend on information found in Diamond's rankings and market shares, we expect that the true figures would differ. Projected sales levels at the highest reaches of the chart are most prone to variation, because there's less data that would establish floors and ceilings for those comics. Estimates grow more reliable as the chart progresses.

It's also the case that the estimates here can and should be expected to differ from numbers that publishers themselves have on hand, including those that publishers have announced publicly. The Diamond charts have that 10% carve-out for returnable comics, for one thing, and they also report only on the comics shipped from its North American warehouses in the calendar month. Publisher sales to Europe can add a tenth or more to the orders for some titles, but the primary function of distributor reports is to inform retailers of regional supply levels, and most overseas copies never re-enter the North American market.

Rankings in these charts should also be expected to differ — often significantly — from the sales-to-consumers charts available at other outlets. Those report sell-through and not sell-in, and different retailers are sampled in each, with no known overlap in reporting stores as of the generation of the below charts. Both are worth knowing, of course, though sell-in tends to be of relatively greater importance in comics than it is in other publishing markets, given comics' nonreturnable nature and their status as a collectible. Orders by retailers represent the "first sale" and are a major determinant of publishing revenue.

Click to skip to the Top Graphic Novels for the month. And you can see the reorders that were placed during the month on our pages for reorders and advance reorders for the year. We also have a page breaking out ship dates for second printings.

As is the case with all data on Comichron, it is subject to revision without notice in the event more authoritative and complete information about orders becomes available.

—John Jackson Miller

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 500 chart. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.
The estimates for copies shipped are generated by Comichron, not Diamond
, and are ranges based on information provided by publishers as well as other factors described in the text above.
Differently priced variants appear fused together by default near where they'd have ranked if together.
The component variants are sorted to the bottom of the chart by default.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitDollarComic-book TitleIssuePriceOn salePublisherLo EstimateHi Estimate
11Amazing Spider-Man49$9.9910/07/20Marvel155,000170,000
43Amazing Spider-Man50$5.9910/14/20Marvel105,000115,000
98X of Swords Stasis1$4.9910/28/20Marvel61,50068,000
1014Walking Dead Deluxe1*$3.9910/07/20Image48,50059,000
1316Strange Academy4$3.9910/28/20Marvel46,00051,000
1517New Mutants13$3.9910/14/20Marvel45,00050,000
1612Fantastic Four25$5.9910/21/20Marvel45,00050,000
184TMNT The Last Ronin1*$8.9910/28/20IDW44,50054,000
2120Black Widow2$3.9910/07/20Marvel41,50046,000
2425Immortal Hulk38$3.9910/14/20Marvel39,50043,000
2526Amazing Spider-Man51$3.9910/28/20Marvel39,00043,000
2627Amazing Spider-Man50.LR$3.9910/21/20Marvel39,00043,000
2729Immortal Hulk39$3.9910/28/20Marvel39,00043,000
2828Captain America24$3.9910/14/20Marvel39,00043,000
2923Something Is Killing Children11*$3.9910/21/20Boom39,00047,000
3130Commanders In Crisis1*$3.9910/14/20Image38,50047,000
3231Department of Truth2*$3.9910/28/20Image38,50046,000
3334Star Wars Darth Vader6$3.9910/14/20Marvel34,00038,000
3436Star Wars7$3.9910/07/20Marvel32,50036,000
3538Iron Man2$3.9910/21/20Marvel32,50036,000
37n.a.Dune House Atreides1* (All)$4.9910/21/20Boom32,00038,000
3840Captain Marvel22$3.9910/14/20Marvel31,00034,000
3932Fantastic Four Antithesis3$4.9910/28/20Marvel31,00034,000
4144Star Wars Bounty Hunters6$3.9910/21/20Marvel29,50032,000
4343Werewolf By Night1$3.9910/21/20Marvel29,00032,000
4441Miles Morales Spider-Man19$3.9910/07/20Marvel29,00032,000
4547Savage Avengers13$3.9910/28/20Marvel28,50031,000
4639Rise of Ultraman2$3.9910/07/20Marvel28,50031,000
4846We Only Find Them When They're Dead2*$3.9910/07/20Boom26,50032,000
4956Marvel Zombies Resurrection3$3.9910/14/20Marvel24,50027,000
5057Guardians of the Galaxy7$3.9910/21/20Marvel24,50027,000
5248X of Swords Handbook1$4.9910/14/20Marvel24,00026,000
5660Norse Mythology1*$3.9910/07/20Dark Horse22,50027,000
5753Warhammer 40K Marneus Calgar1$4.9910/14/20Marvel22,50025,000
5855Transformers Back to Future1*$3.9910/07/20IDW22,50027,000
5966Star Wars Doctor Aphra5$3.9910/28/20Marvel22,00024,000
6058Star Wars Adventures1*$3.9910/07/20IDW22,00027,000
6159Spider-Man Marvels Snapshot1$4.9910/07/20Marvel21,00023,000
6268Conan the Barbarian15$3.9910/21/20Marvel20,00022,000
6364You Look Like Death Tales Umbrella Academy2*$3.9910/21/20Dark Horse20,00024,000
64n.a.Mighty Morphin Power Rangers55* (All)$3.9910/21/20Boom20,00024,000
6575Doctor Doom8$3.9910/28/20Marvel19,50022,000
6676Spider-Man Noir5$3.9910/28/20Marvel19,50022,000
68n.a.Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn3* (All)$4.9910/28/20Boom18,50022,000
6954Snake Eyes Deadgame2*$4.9910/07/20IDW18,50022,000
7077Black Widow Widows Sting1$3.9910/28/20Marvel18,00020,000
7169Undiscovered Country9*$3.9910/28/20Image18,00022,000
7270True Lives Fabulous Killjoys National Anthem1*$3.9910/14/20Dark Horse18,00022,000
7372Fire Power4*$3.9910/07/20Image18,00022,000
7461Batman The Maxx Arkham Dreams4*$4.9910/07/20IDW17,50021,000
7574Horizon Zero Dawn3$3.9910/07/20Titan17,50019,000
7663We Live1*$4.9910/14/20Aftershock16,50020,000
7773Marvels X6$4.9910/21/20Marvel16,00018,000
78221True Believers Black Widow Taskmaster1$1.0010/21/20Marvel16,00018,000
7979Red Sonja20*$3.9910/07/20Dynamite15,50019,000
8198Fantastic Four24$3.9909/30/20Marvel15,00017,000
8371Web of Venom Wraith1$4.9909/09/20Marvel15,00017,000
8478Seven Secrets3*$3.9910/14/20Boom15,00018,000
85n.a.Sex Criminals69* (All)$3.9910/28/20Image15,00018,000
87226True Believers Introducing Black Widow1$1.0010/07/20Marvel14,00015,000
88154American Ronin1 $3.9910/07/20AWA13,00014,000
90101Magnificent Ms. Marvel15$3.9910/07/20Marvel13,00014,000
91n.a.Autumnal2* (All)$3.9910/28/20Vault13,00016,000
9486Locke & Key In Pale Battalions Go2*$3.9910/07/20IDW12,50015,000
96111Falcon & Winter Soldier4$3.9910/21/20Marvel12,50014,000
97108Alien Original Screenplay3$3.9910/07/20Dark Horse12,50014,000
9891Once & Future12*$3.9910/14/20Boom12,50015,000
9994Sacred Six3*$3.9910/07/20Dynamite12,50015,000
100109Stranger Things Halloween Special Oneshot$3.9910/21/20Dark Horse12,50014,000
10293Sonic The Hedgehog Bad Guys1*$3.9910/07/20IDW12,50015,000
103103Gideon Falls26*$3.9910/21/20Image12,00015,000
104102Colonel Weird Cosmagog1*$3.9910/28/20Dark Horse12,00015,000
105249True Believers Black Widow & Amazing Spider-Man1$1.0010/14/20Marvel12,00013,000
10697Unkindness of Ravens2*$3.9910/28/20Boom12,00014,000
107120Stranger Things Science Camp2$3.9910/28/20Dark Horse12,00013,000
108254True Believers Black Widow Red Guardian1$1.0010/07/20Marvel12,00013,000
109100Devils Red Bride1*$3.9910/14/20Vault12,00014,000
110105Vengeance of Vampirella11*$3.9910/21/20Dynamite12,00014,000
111117Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team2*$3.9910/07/20Dark Horse11,00014,000
114121Madam Satan One Shot Chilling Sabrina1 $3.9910/21/20Archie11,00012,000
11595Getting It Together1*$4.9910/07/20Image11,00013,000
116122Strange Academy2$3.9909/09/20Marvel11,00012,000
117107My Little Pony Transformers3*$3.9910/07/20IDW11,00013,000
118260True Believers Black Widow & Daredevil1$1.0010/07/20Marvel11,00012,000
119113Cimmerian People of Black Circle2 $3.9910/07/20Ablaze11,00012,000
120115Vampirella Red Sonja11*$3.9910/28/20Dynamite11,00013,000
121112Buffy The Vampire Slayer18*$3.9910/07/20Boom10,50013,000
122n.a.Bettie Page3* (All)$3.9910/21/20Dynamite10,50013,000
125125Rick & Morty Ever After1$3.9910/28/20Oni10,00011,000
126116Sonic The Hedgehog33*$3.9910/14/20IDW10,00012,000
127265True Believers Black Widow Amazing Adventures1$1.0010/14/20Marvel10,00011,000
128267True Believers Black Widow & Avengers1$1.0010/21/20Marvel10,00011,000
129269True Believers Black Widow Yelena Belova1$1.0010/28/20Marvel9,40011,400
130124Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow4*$3.9910/14/20Boom9,40011,200
131129Savage Dragon253*$3.9910/21/20Image9,20011,000
132140Hellboy & BPRD Return of Effie Kolb2$3.9910/28/20Dark Horse8,80010,800
133126Mars Attacks Red Sonja3*$3.9910/21/20Dynamite8,80010,800
134273True Believers Black Widow & The Thing1$1.0010/28/20Marvel8,80010,800
135142Skulldigger & Skeleton Boy5$3.9910/21/20Dark Horse8,80010,600
136135Blade Runner 201911 $3.9910/21/20Titan8,80010,600
137275True Believers Black Widow Darkstar1$1.0010/21/20Marvel8,80010,600
139138Spy Island2*$3.9910/07/20Dark Horse8,60010,400
140131Fantastic Four Antithesis2$4.9909/23/20Marvel8,60010,200
141119Sympathy For No Devils1*$4.9910/28/20Aftershock8,40010,200
143n.a.Vampire The Masquerade3* (All)$3.9910/14/20Vault8,2009,800
144213Tony Stark Iron Man1$4.9906/20/18Marvel8,0009,800
14590Original Marvel Zombies Marvel Tales1$7.9910/07/20Marvel8,0009,600
147118Mega Man Fully Charged3*$4.9910/28/20Boom7,8009,600
149145Rick and Morty Go to Hell5$3.9910/21/20Oni7,8009,400
15087Official Handbook of Conan Universe Anniversary Edition$5.9910/07/20Marvel7,6009,200
151141Transformers 84 Secrets & Lies4*$3.9910/28/20IDW7,6009,200
152n.a.King Tank Girl1 (All)$3.9910/21/20Albatross7,4009,000
153161Marvel Zombies Resurrection2$3.9909/30/20Marvel7,4009,000
154162X-Ray Robot3$3.9910/28/20Dark Horse7,4008,800
155164Bill & Ted Are Doomed2$3.9910/14/20Dark Horse7,0008,600
156171Miles Morales Spider-Man18$3.9909/02/20Marvel7,0008,600
15792Lazarus Risen5*$7.9910/28/20Image7,0008,600
158148Angel & Spike15*$3.9910/28/20Boom7,0008,600
159150Transformers Galaxies11*$3.9910/28/20IDW7,0008,600
160151Usagi Yojimbo13*$3.9910/14/20IDW7,0008,600
161149Canto II Hollow Men3*$3.9910/28/20IDW7,0008,400
163n.a.Lady Death Scorched Earth2 (All)$25.0010/21/20Coffin6,8008,200
164165Family Tree9*$3.9910/21/20Image6,8008,200
165156Star Trek Year Five15*$3.9910/28/20IDW6,6008,000
167159Killing Red Sonja4*$3.9910/14/20Dynamite6,6007,800
168160Grendel Ky.2 $3.9910/14/20AWA6,4007,800
169158Life Is Strange Partners In Time1*$3.9910/14/20Titan6,4007,800
170133TMNT Best of Raphael$5.9909/30/20IDW6,2007,400
171176Bang4$3.9910/07/20Dark Horse6,0007,200
172136Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious2$5.9910/07/20Titan6,0007,200
173180Marvel Fanfare10 Facs. Ed.$3.9910/07/20Marvel6,0007,200
175179Orville2$3.9910/07/20Dark Horse5,8007,200
176168Star Trek DS9 Too Long a Sacrifice3*$3.9910/07/20IDW5,8007,200
177147Amazing Spider-Man47$3.9908/26/20Marvel5,8007,000
179178Black Magick15*$3.9910/21/20Image5,6006,800
180177Big Girls3*$3.9910/21/20Image5,6006,800
181186Assassins Creed Valhalla Song of Glory1$3.9910/21/20Dark Horse5,6006,800
182182Money Shot9 $3.9910/07/20Vault5,6006,800
183174Red Mother9*$3.9910/14/20Boom5,6006,600
184175Dark Crystal Age of Resistance12*$3.9910/21/20Boom5,6006,600
185104Tales of Terror Quarterly 2020 Halloween Special1$8.9910/21/20Zenescope5,4006,600
186258Bad Mother3 $3.9910/14/20AWA5,4006,400
187185Nailbiter Returns6*$3.9910/28/20Image5,4006,400
188197Stillwater1 $3.9909/16/20Image5,2006,400
190172Zombie Tramp74 $4.9910/07/20Action Lab5,2006,200
191183Tarot Witch of the Black Rose124$3.9910/28/20Broadsword5,2006,200
192184Green Hornet3*$3.9910/07/20Dynamite5,2006,200
193166Faithless II5 Erotica*$4.9910/21/20Boom5,0006,200
194194Devils Highway4 $3.9910/21/20AWA5,0006,000
195207Sword Master11$3.9910/07/20Marvel5,0006,000
198188G.I. Joe9*$3.9910/28/20IDW4,8006,000
199195Rat Queens22*$3.9910/21/20Image4,8005,800
200189Faithless II5*$3.9910/21/20Boom4,8005,800
201199Rai (2019)8$3.9910/21/20Valiant4,8005,800
203139Firefly Blue Sun Rising0$7.9909/30/20Boom4,8005,800
204218Savage Avengers12$3.9909/30/20Marvel4,4005,400
205208Elfquest Stargazers Hunt4$3.9910/14/20Dark Horse4,4005,400
206276Scream Curse of Carnage1$4.9911/27/19Marvel4,4005,400
207203Lonely Receiver2$3.9910/07/20Aftershock4,4005,200
208201Lost Soldiers3*$3.9910/07/20Image4,4005,200
209193Grimm Fairy Tales41$3.9910/07/20Zenescope4,2005,000
210206A Man Among Ye3*$3.9910/28/20Image4,2005,000
211284Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble3$3.9901/01/20Marvel4,2005,000
212209Bleed Them Dry4$3.9910/14/20Vault4,2005,000
213211Miles to Go2$3.9910/21/20Aftershock4,0005,000
214205Phantom Starkiller1$3.9910/21/20Scout4,0005,000
215204We Only Find Them When They're Dead1$3.9909/02/20Boom4,0005,000
216227Immortal Hulk35$3.9907/15/20Marvel4,0005,000
218215Dead Day4$3.9910/21/20Aftershock4,0004,800
219196Coffin Bound7*$4.9910/07/20Image4,0004,800
220245Black Widow1$3.9909/02/20Marvel4,0004,800
222173Van Helsing Vs. League Monsters6$5.9910/28/20Zenescope4,0004,800
223212Immortal She-Hulk1$4.9909/23/20Marvel4,0004,800
225219Shadow Service3*$3.9910/21/20Vault4,0004,800
226299U.S. Avengers1$3.9901/04/17Marvel4,0004,800
227229Old Haunts5 $3.9910/28/20AWA3,8004,800
229264Archies Halloween Spectacular1$2.9910/07/20Archie3,8004,600
230243Fire Power1$3.9910/14/20Image3,8004,600
231224Robyn Hood Justice4$3.9910/07/20Zenescope3,8004,600
232230Dead Body Road Bad Blood5*$3.9910/28/20Image3,8004,600
234235Nomen Omen10*$3.9910/21/20Image3,4004,200
235152Autumnal1 Foil$9.9910/28/20Vault3,4004,200
236253Hidden Society4$3.9910/21/20Dark Horse3,4004,200
238312Invincible Iron Man593$3.9910/18/17Marvel3,4004,200
239231Fantastic Four Antithesis1$4.9908/26/20Marvel3,4004,000
240311Spider-Woman1 Yoon$4.9903/18/20Marvel3,4004,000
242232Crow Lethe3*$3.9910/28/20IDW3,4004,000
243233Crow Lethe1*$3.9910/28/20IDW3,4004,000
244214Ninjas & Robots2$4.9910/28/20Keenspot3,2004,000
245237Crow Lethe2*$3.9910/28/20IDW3,2004,000
247167Myths & Legends Quarterly Ares1$8.9910/07/20Zenescope3,2003,800
248244Clash of Kings8*$3.9910/28/20Dynamite3,0003,800
249222Conspiracy Planet X One Shot$4.9910/14/20Zenescope3,0003,800
250223Edgar Allan Poe's Snifter of Blood1 $4.9910/21/20Ahoy3,0003,800
252247Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys Death of Nancy Drew5*$3.9910/07/20Dynamite3,0003,600
255252Concrete Jungle1$3.9910/14/20Scout2,8003,400
256236Vampblade Season 410$4.9910/07/20Action Lab2,8003,400
257270Fire Power3$3.9909/02/20Image2,6003,200
258255Unholy Bastards Vs. The Future One Shot$3.9910/28/20Albatross2,6003,200
259259Pretty Violent10*$3.9910/07/20Image2,6003,200
260263Carmine1 $3.9910/14/20Action Lab2,6003,200
261216X of Swords Creation1$6.9909/23/20Marvel2,6003,200
262334Absolute Carnage5$4.9911/20/19Marvel2,6003,000
264239Muertana1 $4.9510/14/20Verotik2,6003,000
265242Giant Size X-Men Tribute Wein Cockrum1$5.9909/30/20Marvel2,4003,000
266272Disaster Inc4$3.9910/07/20Aftershock2,2002,800
268268Atlantis Wasn`t Built For Tourists2$3.9910/14/20Scout2,2002,600
269266Hotline Miami Wildlife2 $3.9910/21/20Behemoth2,2002,600
270280Spy Island1$3.9909/02/20Dark Horse2,2002,600
272271Electric Black Presents1$3.9910/21/20Scout2,0002,600
274287Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team1 $3.9909/09/20Dark Horse2,0002,400
275350Symbiote Spider-Man Alien Reality1$4.9912/11/19Marvel2,0002,400
276286No Ones Rose5$3.9910/07/20Vault2,0002,400
278354Immortal Hulk Directors Cut2$4.9908/28/19Marvel1,8002,200
279282Legacy of Mandrake The Magician1$3.9510/28/20Red 51,8002,200
280289Vault of Cerebus One Shot$4.0010/28/20Aardvark-Vanaheim1,8002,200
281281Iron Man1$4.9909/16/20Marvel1,8002,200
282285Butcher Queen Planet of the Dead1$3.9510/21/20Red 51,8002,200
283358Iron Man 20202$4.9902/12/20Marvel1,8002,200
284361Amazing Spider-Man43$3.9905/27/20Marvel1,8002,200
285364Iron Man 20203$4.9903/04/20Marvel1,8002,200
286367Symbiote Spider-Man Alien Reality3$3.9902/12/20Marvel1,8002,200
287298Zorro In Land That Time Forgot1$3.9910/28/20American Mythology1,8002,200
288291Villainous1$3.9910/14/20Mad Cave1,8002,000
289279Rise of Ultraman1$5.9909/09/20Marvel1,8002,000
291295Giant Size X-Men Storm1$4.9909/16/20Marvel1,6002,000
292297Seven Secrets2$3.9909/16/20Boom1,6002,000
293296Once & Future8*$3.9910/14/20Boom1,6002,000
294306Sera & Royal Stars8$3.9910/21/20Vault1,6002,000
295315Immortal Hulk37$3.9909/16/20Marvel1,6002,000
296370Fantastic Four1$5.9908/08/18Marvel1,6002,000
297307Miranda In Maelstrom1$3.9910/14/20Action Lab1,6002,000
298377Guardians of the Galaxy12$4.9912/18/19Marvel1,6002,000
299373Powers of X6$5.9910/09/19Marvel1,6002,000
300301Necromorfus1 $3.9910/14/20Behemoth1,6002,000
301303Riptide Draken2$3.9510/21/20Red 51,6001,800
302321Star Wars6$3.9909/16/20Marvel1,6001,800
303304No Heroine3 $3.9910/07/20Source Point1,6001,800
305314Gold Digger276$3.9910/14/20Antarctic1,6001,800
306385Web of Black Widow5$3.9901/01/20Marvel1,4001,800
307302Once & Future9*$3.9910/28/20Boom1,4001,800
310390X-Men Fantastic Four2$3.9902/26/20Marvel1,4001,800
312395Spider-Man Enter The Spider-Verse1$4.9911/21/18Marvel1,4001,600
313337Star Wars Darth Vader5$3.9909/16/20Marvel1,4001,600
314316Stargazer2$3.9910/14/20Mad Cave1,4001,600
315342Captain America23$3.9909/16/20Marvel1,4001,600
317317Hollywood Trash1$3.9910/07/20Mad Cave1,4001,600
318400Dr. Strange1$3.9912/25/19Marvel1,4001,600
319288Knights of the Dinner Table277$5.9910/28/20Kenzer1,4001,600
320399Immortal Hulk28$3.9912/11/19Marvel1,4001,600
321325Zorro Galleon of Dead2$3.9910/21/20American Mythology1,4001,600
322328Heist How to Steal a Planet7$3.9910/21/20Vault1,4001,600
323405Amazing Mary Jane3$3.9912/11/19Marvel1,4001,600
324403History of Marvel Universe6$4.9912/18/19Marvel1,2001,600
325340Backtrack7 $3.9910/07/20Oni1,2001,600
326339Eternal Thirst of Dracula 31 $3.9910/14/20American Mythology1,2001,600
328305Wall Might 3 The Magalorian One Shot$4.9910/07/20Antarctic1,2001,600
329329John Carpenters Tales Scifi Vortex 25 $3.9910/28/20Storm King1,2001,400
330417Black Panther21$3.9902/26/20Marvel1,2001,400
331419Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble4$3.9902/05/20Marvel1,2001,400
332352Star Wars Bounty Hunters5$3.9909/23/20Marvel1,2001,400
333345Mercy6 $3.9909/30/20Image1,2001,400
334313John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids Stanleys Ghost1$4.9910/07/20Storm King1,2001,400
335335Amazing Spider-Man Sins of Norman Osborn1$4.9909/16/20Marvel1,2001,400
336424Ghost Rider 20991$4.9912/04/19Marvel1,2001,400
337427Amazing Mary Jane2$3.9911/20/19Marvel1,2001,400
338346Grumble Memphis & Beyond The Infinite4$3.9910/28/20Albatross1,2001,400
339429Eternals Secrets From Marvel Universe1$4.9912/18/19Marvel1,2001,400
340330Immortal Hulk Threshing Place1$4.9909/30/20Marvel1,2001,400
3424322099 Alpha1$4.9911/20/19Marvel1,2001,400
343431Black Panther22$3.9903/25/20Marvel1,2001,400
344434Captain America17$3.9912/11/19Marvel1,0001,400
345414Star Wars1$4.9901/01/20Marvel1,0001,400
347344It Eats What Feeds It3$3.9910/28/20Scout1,0001,200
348435Future Fight Firsts Luna Snow1$4.9910/23/19Marvel1,0001,200
349436Immortal Hulk Directors Cut1$5.9908/14/19Marvel1,0001,200
352443Annihilation Scourge Beta Ray Bill1$4.9912/11/19Marvel1,0001,200
353444Spider-Man 20991$4.9912/11/19Marvel1,0001,200
354349Angela Della Morte Vol. 22$3.9510/21/20Red 51,0001,200
355448Immortal Hulk Directors Cut5$4.9910/09/19Marvel1,0001,200
356449Return of Wolverine1$4.9909/19/18Marvel1,0001,200
357452Fantastic Four14$3.9909/04/19Marvel1,0001,200
358452Marvel Legacy1$5.9909/27/17Marvel1,0001,200
359369Star Wars Darth Vader3$3.9907/29/20Marvel1,0001,200
360455Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda5$3.9901/01/20Marvel1,0001,200
361456Annihilation Scourge Alpha1$4.9911/20/19Marvel9001,000
362360Batvark Xxxxx One Shot$4.0009/30/20Aardvark-Vanaheim9001,000
363351Immortal Hulk0$4.9909/16/20Marvel9001,000
364446Iron Man 20201$4.9901/15/20Marvel9001,000
365462Civil War II Oath1$4.9901/25/17Marvel9001,000
366467Weapon H3$3.9905/16/18Marvel9001,000
367468Marvels Epilogue1$4.9907/24/19Marvel9001,000
368292Breathers4 $7.9910/28/20It's Alive9001,000
369465Guardians of the Galaxy2$3.9902/19/20Marvel9001,000
370357Atlantis Wasnt Built For Tourists1$3.9910/14/20Scout9001,000
371469Black Panther and Agents of Wakanda3$3.9911/13/19Marvel9001,000
372356Prisoner1 $3.9910/07/20Source Point9001,000
373472Annihilation Scourge Nova1$4.9912/04/19Marvel9001,000
375475Immortal Hulk Directors Cut3$4.9909/11/19Marvel9001,000
376474Valkyrie Jane Foster9$3.9903/18/20Marvel900900
377476Meet The Skrulls2$3.9903/20/19Marvel900900
378338Undone By Blood1$4.9902/12/20Aftershock900900
379363Broken Gargoyles3 $3.9910/28/20Source Point900900
380362Stargazer1$3.9909/09/20Mad Cave900900
381477Fantastic Four 20991$4.9911/20/19Marvel800900
382466Marvel Comics Digest: Amazing Spider-Man1$6.9906/07/17Archie800900
384485War of Realms2$4.9904/17/19Marvel800800
385371Vagrant Queen Planet Called Doom5$3.9910/21/20Vault800800
386487Absolute Carnage Symbiote of Vengeance1$4.9909/11/19Marvel700800
387487Sword Master7$3.9901/01/20Marvel700800
388493Marvels Avengers Captain America1$3.9903/18/20Marvel700800
389491Valkyrie Jane Foster5$3.9911/27/19Marvel700800
391499Black Panther18$3.9911/27/19Marvel700800
392368Dry Foot2$3.9910/21/20Mad Cave700800
393464Doctor Doom4$3.9901/01/20Marvel700800
394501Sub-Mariner Marvels Snapshot1$4.9903/11/20Marvel700800
396502Captain America20$3.9903/18/20Marvel700700
398376Wasted Space16 $3.9910/28/20Vault600700
399478Marvel Action Black Panther6$3.9911/20/19IDW600700
401442Black Panther1$4.9905/23/18Marvel600700
403727Dollar Comics Batman (2013)13$1.0010/28/20DC600700
405496Marvel Action Spider-Man11$3.9911/13/19IDW600700
406374Dry Foot1$3.9909/09/20Mad Cave600700
407519Tony Stark Iron Man8$3.9902/06/19Marvel600700
408383Ninja High School177$3.9910/07/20Antarctic600600
409508Hero Cats17$3.9906/14/17Action Lab600600
410525New Mutants8$3.9902/26/20Marvel600600
412514Marvel Action Captain Marvel3$3.9911/06/19IDW600600
415530Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble1$3.9911/06/19Marvel600600
416379Cardinal Dagon3 $3.9910/14/20Behemoth500600
417534Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat10$3.9909/21/16Marvel500600
418532Valkyrie Jane Foster4$3.9910/23/19Marvel500600
419322B & V Best Friends Jumbo Comics Digest285$7.9910/14/20Archie500600
421539Absolute Carnage Captain Marvel1$4.9911/20/19Marvel500600
423326Archie Jumbo Comics Digest314$7.9910/21/20Archie500600
424540King Thor4$5.9912/18/19Marvel500600
425545Spider-Man & Venom Double Trouble2$3.9912/04/19Marvel500600
427380Weed Magic4 $4.2010/28/20Bliss on Tap500600
428396G.I. Joe7$3.9909/30/20IDW500600
429542Marvels X1$4.9901/08/20Marvel500600
430548War of Realms5$4.9906/05/19Marvel500600
432415You Look Like Death Tales Umbrella Academy1$3.9909/16/20Dark Horse500600
433552Black Panther19$3.9912/18/19Marvel500600
434561Amazing Spider-Man Daily Bugle2$3.9902/26/20Marvel500600
435562Annihilation Scourge Fantastic Four1$4.9912/04/19Marvel500600
436341Betty & Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest288$7.9910/28/20Archie500600
437566Scream Curse of Carnage2$3.9912/18/19Marvel500600
438546Marvels Spider-Man Black Cat Strikes1$3.9901/15/20Marvel500600
439388Broken Gargoyles2 $3.9910/07/20Source Point500600
440569Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man300$5.9903/07/18Marvel500600
441412Stranger Things Science Camp1$3.9909/30/20Dark Horse500600
442571Future Fight Firsts Crescent & Io1$4.9911/06/19Marvel500600
443567Fantastic Four Negative Zone1$4.9911/27/19Marvel500600
444557Marvels X2$4.9902/12/20Marvel500600
446570Immortal Hulk29$3.9901/08/20Marvel500600
447558Marvel Zombies Resurrection1$4.9910/30/19Marvel500600
448572Avengers of the Wastelands2$3.9902/26/20Marvel500600
449398Empyre X-Men4$4.9908/19/20Marvel500600
450426Spider-Man Noir4$3.9909/23/20Marvel500600
451555Miraculous Adventures Ladybug Cat Noir2$3.9908/30/17Action Lab500600
452577Absolute Carnage Miles Morales1$3.9909/09/19Marvel500600
454375Marvel Zombies Resurrection1$5.9909/02/20Marvel500600
455575Sword Master6$3.9912/04/19Marvel500500
456397Bug Bites2$3.9910/07/20Source Point500500
457581Magnificent Ms. Marvel3$3.9905/29/19Marvel500500
459587Black Panther12$3.9905/29/19Marvel500500
460410Boys Dear Becky5 $3.9909/30/20Dynamite500500
462594Secret Empire10$4.9909/06/17Marvel500500
464600Civil War II6$4.9910/26/16Marvel500500
467605Amazing Spider-Man39$3.9902/12/20Marvel500500
468606New Mutants6$3.9901/29/20Marvel500500
469608Mighty Thor706$3.9904/25/18Marvel500500
472582Doctor Doom6$3.9903/04/20Marvel500500
475613Avengers Loki Unleashed1$4.9909/25/19Marvel500500
477428Crimson Scorpion2$3.9910/07/20Antarctic500500
479598Immortal Hulk25$5.9910/23/19Marvel500500
480418Spider-Man Annual1$4.9908/07/19Marvel500500
482416Zero Day Threat5$3.9510/21/20Red 5500500
483430Transformers Vs. Terminator4$3.9909/30/20IDW500500
484404Marvels X5$4.9909/30/20Marvel500500
486626Doom 20991$4.9912/11/19Marvel400500
488386Miles to Go1$4.9909/23/20Aftershock400500
489593Uncle Scrooge49$4.9910/02/19IDW400500
490863Dollar Comics Green Lantern (2011)1$1.0010/28/20DC400500
491628Scream Curse of Carnage4$3.9902/26/20Marvel400500
n.a.37Dune House Atreides1*$4.9910/21/20Boom24,50029,000
n.a.84Mighty Morphin Power Rangers55*$3.9910/21/20Boom12,50015,000
n.a.82Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn3*$4.9910/28/20Boom11,00014,000
n.a.123Bettie Page3*$3.9910/21/20Dynamite9,40011,400
n.a.128Sex Criminals69 XXX Var*$4.6910/28/20Image8,60010,400
n.a.85Dune House Atreides1 Die Cut*$6.9910/21/20Boom7,4009,000
n.a.106Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn3 Foil*$5.9910/28/20Boom7,4008,800
n.a.127Mighty Morphin Power Rangers55 Foil*$4.9910/21/20Boom7,2008,800
n.a.153Vampire The Masquerade3*$3.9910/14/20Vault6,6008,200
n.a.170Sex Criminals69*$3.9910/28/20Image6,2007,600
n.a.146Lady Death Scorched Earth2 $4.9910/21/20Coffin5,8007,000
n.a.181King Tank Girl1$3.9910/21/20Albatross5,4006,400
n.a.225King Tank Girl1 Card Stock$5.9910/21/20Albatross2,2002,600
n.a.238Vampire The Masquerade3 Foil$9.9910/14/20Vault1,4001,800
n.a.240Bettie Page3 Black Bag*$10.0010/21/20Dynamite1,2001,600
n.a.217Lady Death Scorched Earth2 Foil$25.0010/21/20Coffin500600
n.a.200Lady Death Scorched Earth2 Naughty$40.0010/21/20Coffin400500
n.a.200Lady Death Scorched Earth2 Naughty$40.0010/21/20Coffin400500

October 2020 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Shipped to North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 500 charts, plus any post-#500 items from its Top Independent and Manga charts. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.

The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

Diamond shipped a projected over 375,000 graphic novels to North American buyers in October, according to our projections. As with comics, Diamond did not provide graphic novel order index data; unlike comics, we did not attempt to provide estimates.

UnitsDollarsTrade Paperback titlePricePublisherPublisher
110Dracula Motherf---er HC$16.9910/14/20Image
3121Deadpool Classic Vol. 1$29.99BacklistMarvel
414Silver Surfer Black$15.9910/21/20Marvel
521Avatar Last Airbender Katara & Pirates Silver Vol. 0$12.9910/14/20Dark Horse
77Boys Omnibus Vol. 1$29.9903/20/19Dynamite
852Year Zero Vol. 1$9.9910/07/20AWA
915Power Rangers Sins of Future Original Gn$19.9910/28/20Boom
101Incredible Hulk By Peter David Omnibus HC Vol. 2$125.0010/28/20Marvel
1159Marvel-Verse Venom$9.9910/14/20Marvel
1222Bitter Root Vol. 2 Rage & Redemption$19.9910/14/20Image
1330King Deadpool Vol. 1 Hail to the King$17.9910/07/20Marvel
1432November HC Vol. 3$16.9910/21/20Image
1516Avatar Last Airbender Search Omnibus$24.9910/21/20Dark Horse
1665My Hero Academia Vol. 25$9.9909/30/20Viz
1836Nailbiter Vol. 7 Nailbiter Returns$16.9910/28/20Image
1941Family Tree Vol. 2$14.9910/21/20Image
20202Spider-Man Deadpool Vol. 0 Don't Call It Team Up$34.99BacklistMarvel
2134Blue In Green$17.9910/28/20Image
22258Howard The Duck Vol. 1 Complete Collection$34.99BacklistMarvel
2347Guardians of the Galaxy By Ewing Vol. 1 Then It's Us$15.9910/14/20Marvel
2439Dawn of X Vol. 8$17.9910/07/20Marvel
24290Deadpool Firsts$34.99BacklistMarvel
2611New Mutants Epic Collection Cable$39.9910/07/20Marvel
27282X-Men Rise of Apocalypse$34.99BacklistMarvel
2812Fantastic Four Epic Collection At War With Atlantis$39.9910/28/20Marvel
29657Deadpool Worlds Greatest Vol. 1 Millionaire With Mouth$15.99BacklistMarvel
30302Original Sin$34.99BacklistMarvel
3178Minecraft Vol. 2$10.9910/21/20Dark Horse
322War of Realms Omnibus HC$125.0010/14/20Marvel
3313Captain America Epic Collection Monsters and Men$39.9910/14/20Marvel
34101Jupiters Legacy Vol. 1 Netflix Ed$9.9910/07/20Image
353Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus HC$125.0010/28/20Marvel
36114Red Border$9.9910/07/20AWA
37116Archangel 8$9.9910/07/20AWA
3894One Punch Man Vol. 21$9.9909/30/20Viz
3920Boys Omnibus Vol. 2$29.9906/12/19Dynamite
4081Ironheart Meant to Fly$12.9910/28/20Marvel
4017Spider-Man Road to Venom$34.9910/07/20Marvel
4244Star Wars From Journals of Obi-Wan Kenobi$19.9910/28/20Marvel
434Marvel Horror Lives Again Omnibus HC$125.0010/14/20Marvel
4458First Knife$16.9910/07/20Image
4550Road to Empyre$19.9910/07/20Marvel
46351Deadpool By Daniel Way Complete Coll Vol. 4$34.99BacklistMarvel
47385Howard The Duck Vol. 2 Complete Collection$34.99BacklistMarvel
48844Return of Living Deadpool$16.99BacklistMarvel
481132Ultimates Vol. 1$12.99BacklistMarvel
5067Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vol. 4$14.9910/14/20Boom
5125Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rise of Drakkon$29.9910/07/20Boom
52321Infinity War Aftermath$39.99BacklistMarvel
5319Black Widow Epic Collection Coldest War$39.9910/07/20Marvel
5443Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles$19.9909/23/20Boom
55371Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men Black Vortex$39.99BacklistMarvel
56517Marvel Rising$9.9911/07/18Marvel
5780Star Wars Leia Princess of Alderaan Manga Vol. 1$13.0010/21/20Yen
58946Deadpool and Cable Split Second$16.99BacklistMarvel
5931Boys Omnibus Vol. 3$29.9907/31/19Dynamite
60861Ult Comics Spider-Man By Bendis Vol. 2$19.99BacklistMarvel
6273Iron Man 2020 Robot Revolution$17.9910/14/20Marvel
63563Deadpool Classic Vol. 2$29.99BacklistMarvel
6474Monstress Vol. 5$16.9909/30/20Image
65129My Hero Academia Vol. 1$9.99BacklistViz
66141Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba Vol. 17$9.9909/30/20Viz
67885Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 5 Through Looking Glass$19.99BacklistMarvel
686She-Hulk By Dan Slott Omnibus HC$100.0010/28/20Marvel
69727Spider-Man One More Day$19.99BacklistMarvel
7051Marvel Monograph Art of Mark Brooks$24.99BacklistMarvel
719Marvel Masterworks Defenders HC Vol. 7$75.0010/28/20Marvel
7283Jupiters Legacy Vol. 4 Netflix Ed$16.9910/07/20Image
7385Jupiters Legacy Vol. 3 Netflix Ed$16.9910/07/20Image
7438Winter Soldier By Ed Brubaker Complete Collect$29.9910/14/20Marvel
75795Deadpool Flashbacks$19.99BacklistMarvel
7587Jupiters Legacy Vol. 2 Netflix Ed$16.9910/07/20Image
7755Hellstrom Prince of Lies$24.9910/21/20Marvel
78103League of Legends Zed$15.9910/28/20Marvel
791097Daredevil Vs. Punisher Means and Ends$17.99BacklistMarvel
801157Deadpool Ones With Deadpool$15.99BacklistMarvel
81776Civil War Wolverine$24.99BacklistMarvel
8227Umbrella Academy Library Edition HC Vol. 3 Hotel Oblivion$39.9909/30/20Dark Horse
83858Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 Last Days$17.99BacklistMarvel
8496Pulp HC$16.9907/29/20Image
85552Civil War Front Line$34.99BacklistMarvel
861156Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4 Graveyard Shift$15.99BacklistMarvel
87168Chainsaw Man Vol. 1$9.9909/30/20Viz
8818World of Black Hammer Library Ed HC Vol. 1$49.9910/07/20Dark Horse
89100Dawn of X Vol. 9$17.9910/28/20Marvel
90996Deadpools Secret Secret Wars$15.99BacklistMarvel
9054Transformers Classic TV Magazine Manga HC Vol. 3$24.9910/07/20Viz
92162Mob Psycho 100 Vol. 6$11.9910/14/20Dark Horse
931333Deadpool Vol. 5 What Happened In Vegas$15.99BacklistMarvel
9445Boys Omnibus Vol. 5$29.9911/13/19Dynamite
951293A-Force Warzones Vol. 0$16.99BacklistMarvel
961420Ant-Man Vol. 1 Second Chance Man$15.99BacklistMarvel
96108Old Guard Book 1 Opening Fire$16.99BacklistImage
9875Redbone True Story Native American Rock Band$19.9910/28/20IDW
991262Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5 Spiral$16.99BacklistMarvel
100191Just Beyond Welcome to Beast Island Original$9.9910/21/20Boom
10149Boys Omnibus Vol. 6$29.9912/11/19Dynamite
1011106Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1 Red Shadow$19.99BacklistMarvel
103623Daredevil Typhoids Kiss$34.99BacklistMarvel
1041123Vision Yesterday and Tomorrow$19.99BacklistMarvel
105948Ms. Marvel Vol. 2 Generation Why$15.99BacklistMarvel
106118Exorsisters Vol. 2$16.9910/28/20Image
107122Giant Days Vol. 14$14.9910/21/20Boom
10868The Marvel Art of Mondo Poster Book$24.99BacklistMarvel
10953Boys Omnibus Vol. 4$29.9909/18/19Dynamite
1101326Deadpool Vol. 4 Monkey Business$15.99BacklistMarvel
1118Absolute Swamp Thing By Alan Moore HC Vol. 2$99.9910/21/20DC
111465Spidey All New Marvel Treasury Edition$15.99BacklistMarvel
11386Dying Is Easy HC$19.9910/28/20IDW
114221Monstress Vol. 1$9.99BacklistImage
1151483Deadpool Vol. 1 Dead Presidents Now$15.99BacklistMarvel
1161247Avengers X-Sanction$19.99BacklistMarvel
1171371Hawkeye Vol. 5 All New Hawkeye$15.99BacklistMarvel
117211My Hero Academia Vigilantes Vol. 8$9.9910/28/20Viz
1191267Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4 Unstoppable$19.99BacklistMarvel
1201250Avengers Time Runs Out Vol. 1$19.99BacklistMarvel
12028Blade of Immortal Dlx Ed HC Vol. 1$49.9910/07/20Dark Horse
122151Stairway Anthology$14.9910/07/20Image
123105Pokemon Adv Collectors Ed Vol. 4$17.9910/14/20Viz
1241596All New X-Men Inevitable Vol. 1 Ghosts of Cyclops$15.99BacklistMarvel
12582Daredevil HC Man Without Fear Marvel Select$24.9910/28/20Marvel
126109Dark Nights Metal$19.9901/23/19DC
12770Batman The Long Halloween$29.99BacklistDC
12837House of X Powers of X$44.9908/26/20Marvel
129126Iron Man 2020 Robot Revolution Force Works$17.9910/28/20Marvel
13095Red Sonja Vampirella Betty Veronica Vol. 1$19.9910/28/20Dynamite
13169Sacrifice of Darkness Original HC$24.9910/21/20Boom
1321060Doctor Strange Dont Pay Ferryman$24.99BacklistMarvel
1331463Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 Double Trouble$17.95BacklistMarvel
1341630Civil War New Avengers$16.99BacklistMarvel
135138Gideon Falls Vol. 2 Original Sins$16.9904/17/19Image
136913Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Digest$9.99BacklistMarvel
137147Over Garden Wall Sisters of Charity Original$14.9910/07/20Boom
138131Batman The Killing Joke HC$17.9909/11/19DC
13991X-Men Milestones Age of X$24.9910/14/20Marvel
14035Marvel Art of Savage Sword of Conan HC$50.0010/28/20Marvel
140120Sneeze Naoki Urasawa Story Collection$17.9910/14/20Viz
142227My Hero Academia Vol. 2$9.99BacklistViz
14389DC Poster Portfolio Dceased$24.9910/28/20DC
1431315Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 3 Squirrel Really Got Me No$17.99BacklistMarvel
145139Something Is Killing Children Vol. 1$14.9906/10/20Boom
146244Komi Cant Communicate Vol. 9$9.9910/07/20Viz
1471100Civil War Captain America Iron Man$24.99BacklistMarvel
14762Ms Tree Skeleton In The Closet$29.9910/21/20Titan
149161Lumberjanes Original Vol. 3 True Colors$14.9910/14/20Boom
15060Sailor Moon Eternal Ed Vol. 10$27.9910/21/20Random House
1511651Howard The Duck Vol. 0 What The Duck$16.99BacklistMarvel
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447507Saga Vol. 3$14.99BacklistImage
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