

December 2021 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops by Diamond

Estimated Comics Shipped to North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This data refers to sales by Diamond. Click to see those from the Overall market.

#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

December 2021 marked the third month that Penguin Random House was the sales agent for Marvel Comics, with Diamond acting as a wholesaler. As such, while Marvel's comics were sold by Diamond, its sales reported below accounted only for a little over a third of the overall total. To date, Diamond has not released a sales chart for the month, owing to the November ransomware attack it suffered. In the meantime, the one below is constructed from Diamond's end-of-year final sales list, examining only the comics that came out in November.

The top comic book in the five-week month was Stray Dogs Dog Days #1 from Image, and it likely would have been even if Marvel had been fully at Diamond.

The top Marvel, Venom #2, had sales through Diamond of 30,815 copies. That put it in 11th place. That puts its total overall sales likely around 85,000 copies, once Penguin Random House is included. That would have put it in second place at Diamond.

Reverse-engineering alert: What appears below is different from a usual monthly sales chart. It is all of the December-shipping titles that made Diamond's end-of-year Top 4000 list. That means that while the chart below is exactly what Diamond sold of new titles in December, it is not everything that it sold, because reordered comics from earlier months do not appear below. There's no way to separate them from their initial sales. It's also possible that some new December comics did not make the Top 4000 for the year, but given that the bottom of the chart was in the 600-copy range, that's unlikely to impact many items.

"Marvel PRH" is coded below as a reminder that around 65% of the sales of its titles came from Penguin Random House; tripling the Marvel sales below gives a good rough estimate for overall sales. Diamond was also not the exclusive distributor this month for Scout and Ahoy, several of whose titles had sales through Lunar Distribution, but Diamond is likely to have retained most of the volume for those publishers.

Click to skip to the Top Graphic Novels for the month. And you can see the reorders that were placed during the month on our pages for reorders and advance reorders for the year.

—John Jackson Miller

This list includes all new items for the month that appeared on Diamond's end-of-year chart.
Diamond only accounts for about 36% of sales of items marked with Marvel PRH.
When there are versions of an issue with different cover prices, Diamond lists them in seprate entries.
Click to read the methodology for this table's estimates.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitsDollarsComic-book TitleIssuePriceOn salePublisherEst. units
11Stray Dogs Dog Days1$4.9912/29/21Image103,846
23House of Slaughter3$3.9912/22/21Boom 56,755
34Brzrkr6 $3.9912/15/21Boom 55,012
411Gunslinger Spawn3$2.9912/22/21Image52,424
57Department of Truth14 $3.9912/01/21Image45,856
617King Spawn5$2.9912/15/21Image45,646
89Vampirella Dracula Unholy1$3.9912/15/21Dynamite 40,895
910King of Spies1 $4.9912/01/21Image32,616
1020Whats The Furthest Place From Here2$3.9912/08/21Image31,013
1116Venom2$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH30,815
1213Brzrkr6 Foil$4.9912/15/21Boom 28,800
135Devils Reign1$5.9912/08/21Marvel PRH28,653
1419Evil Ernie1$3.9912/01/21Dynamite 28,638
158Buffy Last Vampire Slayer1$4.9912/08/21Boom 27,827
1715Star Wars Crimson Reign1$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH25,473
1825Black Panther2$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH25,162
2026Amazing Spider-Man81$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH24,141
2127Amazing Spider-Man83$3.9912/29/21Marvel PRH23,904
2237Lady Mechanika Monster of Ministry1$3.9912/08/21Image23,849
2329Amazing Spider-Man82$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH23,841
2440Walking Dead Dlx28 $3.9912/08/21Image23,742
2541Walking Dead Dlx29 $3.9912/15/21Image23,305
2612Timeless1$5.9912/29/21Marvel PRH23,081
2743Primordial4 $3.9912/15/21Image22,869
2814Inferno3$5.9912/08/21Marvel PRH22,607
2933Hulk2$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH22,605
3034Amazing Spider-Man80$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH22,580
312Avengers50$9.9912/01/21Marvel PRH22,437
326Star Wars High Republic Adv Annual 20211$7.9912/15/21IDW22,223
3338Animal Castle1$3.9912/01/21Ablaze22,027
3436Venom3$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH21,810
3545Ice Cream Man27 $3.9912/29/21Image21,002
3644Gun Honey4 $3.9912/15/21Titan 20,720
3723Amazing Spider-Man80.BEY$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH20,262
3853Me You Love In The Dark5 $3.9912/01/21Image19,441
3948Lunar Room1$3.9912/08/21Vault19,418
4028Devils Reign2$4.9912/29/21Marvel PRH19,139
4147Moon Knight6$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH18,992
4250Star Wars High Republic Adventures11$3.9912/01/21IDW18,795
4330Avengers Forever1$4.9912/22/21Marvel PRH18,674
4561Radiant Black11$3.9912/22/21Image18,026
4655Star Wars Darth Vader18$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH16,992
4721Mother F Goose One Shot1 $6.9912/08/21Aftershock16,927
4856Star Wars19$3.9912/08/21Marvel PRH16,624
4958Wolverine19 $3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH16,432
5066Sheena Queen Jungle2$3.9912/15/21Dynamite 16,379
6742Daredevil36$4.9912/01/21Marvel PRH16,316
6863X-Men Trial of Magneto4$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH16,106
6964Star Wars High Republic12$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH15,792
7046Power Rangers Universe1$4.9912/29/21Boom 15,776
7165Captain America Iron Man1$3.9912/08/21Marvel PRH15,718
7270Jennifer Blood3 $3.9912/01/21Dynamite 15,444
7351Maniac of New York Bronx Burning1$4.9912/01/21Aftershock15,444
7468Avengers51$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH15,092
7569Star Wars Darth Vader19$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH15,081
7672X-Men Trial of Magneto5$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH14,832
7787Magic Order 22 $3.9912/01/21Image14,788
7873Death of Doctor Strange4$3.9912/29/21Marvel PRH14,784
7949Demon Days Rising Storm1$4.9912/15/21Marvel PRH14,724
8076Vengeance of Vampirella25$3.9912/29/21Dynamite 14,633
8177Nyx2$3.9912/08/21Dynamite 14,512
8281Eat The Rich5 $3.9912/22/21Boom 14,301
8382Red Sonja4$3.9912/08/21Dynamite 14,174
8492Cloaked1$3.9912/15/21Dark Horse14,104
8552Giant-Size Black Cat Infinity Score1$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH14,051
8675Buckhead1$3.9912/08/21Boom 13,905
8784Mighty Morphin14$3.9912/08/21Boom 13,868
8886Basilisk5$3.9912/08/21Boom 13,799
8971Echolands5 $4.9912/29/21Image13,479
9085Star Wars Bounty Hunters18$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH13,263
9190Power Rangers14$3.9912/29/21Boom 13,193
9224Dune Whisper of Caladan Seas1$7.9912/29/21Boom 13,164
9359Hellions18$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH13,162
94105Newburn2 $3.9912/15/21Image13,034
95102Hellcop2 $3.9912/01/21Image13,026
9693Army of Darkness 19794$3.9912/22/21Dynamite 13,007
9795Once & Future22$3.9912/01/21Boom 12,874
9862King Conan1$4.9912/22/21Marvel PRH12,862
9999Once & Future23$3.9912/29/21Boom 12,745
10088Fantastic Four38$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH12,719
10198Barbarella6$3.9912/22/21Dynamite 12,706
10289Miles Morales Spider-Man33$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH12,682
10357Mazebook4$5.9912/15/21Dark Horse12,379
10496Star Wars High Republic Trail Shadows3$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH12,328
10597Star Wars Bounty Hunters19$3.9912/29/21Marvel PRH12,188
10660Mazebook5$5.9912/29/21Dark Horse12,184
107101Firefly34$3.9912/01/21Boom 12,159
108114Silver Coin7 $3.9912/08/21Image11,906
109118Fire Power By Kirkman & Samnee18$3.9912/01/21Image11,866
110115Joy Operations2$3.9912/22/21Dark Horse11,851
111117Sweet Paprika6 $3.9912/22/21Image11,810
112100Wastelanders Wolverine1$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH11,808
113106Firefly35$3.9912/29/21Boom 11,795
11432Firefly Holiday Special1$7.9912/15/21Boom 11,756
115107Star Wars Adventures13$3.9912/29/21IDW11,753
116120Nita Hawes Nightmare Blog2 $3.9912/08/21Image11,659
11774Death of Doctor Strange Spider Man1$4.9912/01/21Marvel PRH11,574
11878Magic The Gathering (Mtg)9$4.9912/08/21Boom 11,514
11980Dune House Atreides12 $4.9912/01/21Boom 11,449
120103Darkhold Spider-Man1$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH11,447
121108Captain Marvel34$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH11,130
122123Apache Delivery Service1$3.9912/29/21Dark Horse11,089
123113Regarding Matter of Oswalds Body2$3.9912/15/21Boom 11,043
12479Death of Doctor Strange White Fox1$4.9912/01/21Marvel PRH10,962
125110X-Men Legends9$3.9912/08/21Marvel PRH10,900
126111Strange Academy14$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH10,754
127112X-Force26 $3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH10,749
128129Righteous Thirst For Vengeance3 $3.9912/22/21Image10,724
129121Sonic The Hedgehog47$3.9912/22/21IDW10,676
13091Red Sonja 2021 Holiday Sp$3.9912/01/21Dynamite 10,554
13167Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Best of Shredder1$5.9912/08/21IDW10,536
132116Marauders26$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH10,504
133119Eternals8$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH10,439
13435Magic Master of Metal1$8.9912/01/21Boom 10,363
135131Daisy1$3.9912/08/21Dark Horse10,258
13683Jupiters Legacy Requiem6 $5.9912/15/21Image10,206
137125Vampiverse4$3.9912/08/21Dynamite 10,186
138133Sir Edward Grey Acheron One-Shot$3.9912/01/21Dark Horse10,179
13994Amazing Fantasy5$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH9,840
140124Wastelanders Hawkeye1$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH9,779
141137Hellboy Bones of Giants2$3.9912/01/21Dark Horse9,754
142126Hawkeye Kate Bishop2$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH9,736
143127Kang The Conqueror5$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH9,706
144140Scumbag11 $3.9912/01/21Image9,659
145128Iron Man15$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH9,611
146130The Thing2$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH9,229
147109Red Sonja Black White Red5$4.9912/15/21Dynamite 9,192
14831Marvels Voices Community1$9.9912/08/21Marvel PRH9,168
149104Death of Doctor Strange Blade1$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH9,156
150146Stranger Things Tomb of Ybwen4$3.9912/22/21Dark Horse9,085
151148Hellboy Silver Lantern Club3$3.9912/22/21Dark Horse9,029
152138Buffy The Vampire Slayer32$3.9912/01/21Boom 8,985
153139Purgatori3$3.9912/15/21Dynamite 8,946
154134New Mutants23$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH8,892
155135Excalibur26$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH8,832
156155Sword of Hyperborea1$3.9912/29/21Dark Horse8,714
158144Star Trek Mirror War Data1$3.9912/08/21IDW8,702
160145G.I. Joe a Real American Hero288$3.9912/08/21IDW8,567
161141Darkhold Black Bolt1$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH8,486
162147Last Book Youll Ever Read4 $3.9912/01/21Vault8,430
163161Good Asian7 $3.9912/08/21Image8,376
164143Defenders4$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH8,334
165150Transformers Beast Wars11$3.9912/22/21IDW8,258
166136Good Boy2 $3.9912/29/21Source Point8,230
167154Dark Blood5$3.9912/01/21Boom 8,078
168156Sonjaversal10$3.9912/01/21Dynamite 7,997
169149Phoenix Song Echo2$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH7,942
170122Fantastic Four Life Story5$4.9912/08/21Marvel PRH7,936
171173Hellboy Bones of Giants3$3.9912/29/21Dark Horse7,868
172152Sword11$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH7,821
173159Transformers Shattered Glass4$3.9912/01/21IDW7,816
174153Wastelanders Star-Lord1$3.9912/29/21Marvel PRH7,766
175157Ms. Marvel Beyond Limit1$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH7,727
176235Hotell Vol. 21$3.9912/01/21AWA 7,688
178166Transformers Shattered Glass5$3.9912/22/21IDW7,573
179168Maw4 $3.9912/22/21Boom 7,509
180167Kiss Phantom Obsession4$3.9912/15/21Dynamite 7,492
181178Critical Role: Tales of Exandria3$3.9912/29/21Dark Horse7,430
182169Knighted2$3.9912/08/21AWA 7,423
183171No Holds Bard1 $3.9912/22/21Behemoth 7,350
184172Blade Runner 202910 $3.9912/15/21Titan 7,340
185181Black Hammer Reborn7$3.9912/22/21Dark Horse7,331
186162Phoenix Song Echo3$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH7,328
187240Crimson Cage1 $3.9912/08/21AWA 7,327
188164Savage Avengers27$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH7,299
189183Time Before Time8 $3.9912/22/21Image7,130
190182A Thing Called Truth2$3.9912/08/21Image7,062
191177My Little Pony Generations3$3.9912/22/21IDW7,038
192174The Marvels6$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH6,916
193176Darkhawk4$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH6,764
194179He Who Fights With Monsters4 $3.9912/15/21Ablaze6,763
195170Rise of Dracula1 $3.9912/29/21Source Point6,744
196196Deadly Class49 $3.9912/01/21Image6,609
197192Deep Beyond11$3.9912/22/21Image6,579
198195Daisy2$3.9912/29/21Dark Horse6,553
199184Transformers Wreckers Tread & Circuits3$3.9912/08/21IDW6,518
200200Two Moons7 $3.9912/08/21Image6,400
201201Frontiersman3 $3.9912/08/21Image6,395
202186Maria Llovets Porcelain5 $3.9912/22/21Ablaze6,368
203189Rick and Morty Corporate Assets2$3.9912/15/21Oni6,215
205163Chicken Devil3$4.9912/22/21Aftershock6,121
206194Out3 $3.9912/15/21AWA 6,055
207198Hecates Will1 $3.9912/15/21Black Mask5,987
208193Conan The Barbarian1 Facs. Ed.$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH5,833
209207Phenom X2$3.9912/08/21Image5,748
210205Rick and Morty Ricks New Hat5$3.9912/01/21Oni5,448
211206Dungeons & Dragons Mindbreaker3$3.9912/15/21IDW5,309
212218Post Americana7 $3.9912/08/21Image5,213
213208Tom Hollands Fright Night1$3.9912/22/21American Mythology5,147
214212Guillem March Laura2 $3.9912/08/21Ablaze5,065
215188Cross to Bear2$4.9912/01/21Aftershock5,024
216214James Bond Himeros3$3.9912/08/21Dynamite 5,015
217229That Texas Blood13 $3.9912/22/21Image4,792
218216Avengers Tech-On5$3.9912/22/21Marvel PRH4,739
219221Telepaths4$3.9912/22/21AWA 4,734
220151Snake Eyes Deadgame Declassified$6.9912/01/21IDW4,684
221222Archies Holiday Magic Special One Shot$3.9912/08/21Archie4,671
223225Doctor Who Empire of Wolf2$3.9912/29/21Titan 4,631
224231Chu10 $3.9912/01/21Image4,613
225215Grimm Fairy Tales55$3.9912/29/21Zenescope4,538
226219Winter Guard4$3.9912/01/21Marvel PRH4,526
227199Warhammer 40K Sisters Battle4$4.9912/01/21Marvel PRH4,501
228232Redneck31 $3.9912/01/21Image4,447
229224Ka-Zar Lord Savage Land4$3.9912/15/21Marvel PRH4,438
230227X-O Manowar9$3.9912/15/21Valiant4,409
231204Zombie Tramp83 $4.9912/01/21Action Lab4,369
233220Tarot Witch of the Black Rose131 $3.9912/29/21Broadsword4,326
234190G.I. Joe a Real American Hero Yearbook4$5.9912/29/21IDW4,132
235211Marvel Action Classics Spider-Man Two In One4$4.9912/29/21IDW4,072
236228Knight Janek1 $3.9912/29/21Behemoth 4,017
237197Power Rangers Universe1 Reveal$5.9912/29/21Boom 3,997
238237Made In Korea6 $3.9912/08/21Image3,990
239217Getting Dizzy2$4.9912/15/21Boom 3,835
240226Cross to Bear3$4.9912/29/21Aftershock3,674
241203Robyn Hood Hellfire$5.9912/15/21Zenescope3,549
242245Manifest Destiny45 $3.9912/29/21Image3,543
244261Archies Christmas Spectacular1$2.9912/01/21Archie3,488
245236Lcsd 2021 Metallica 30th Anniversary$3.9912/01/21Acme Ink3,410
246242Blue Flame6$3.9912/29/21Vault3,390
247243World of Darkness Crimson Thaw3$3.9912/08/21Vault 3,352
248244My Date With Monsters2$3.9912/15/21Aftershock3,349
249238Mfkz6 $3.9912/01/21Behemoth 3,329
250239The Last Session1$3.9912/01/21Mad Cave3,322
251247Human Remains4$3.9912/29/21Vault3,170
252241Pop Star Assassin3 $3.9912/29/21Behemoth 3,138
253165Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Quarterly Holiday 2021$8.9912/08/21Zenescope3,074
254257Trover Saves The Universe5 $3.9912/08/21Image2,926
255255Life Is Strange Settling Dust3$3.9912/29/21Titan 2,839
256249Winchester Mystery House3 $3.9912/29/21Source Point2,839
257265No One Left to Fight II3$3.9912/15/21Dark Horse2,792
258185Myths & Legends Quarterly Blood Pharaoh$8.9912/01/21Zenescope2,751
259202Last Avengers Story Marvel Tales1$7.9912/22/21Marvel PRH2,732
260132Whats The Furthest Place From Here1 Record$14.9912/15/21Image2,710
261187Myths & Legends Quarterly Prophecy$8.9912/08/21Zenescope2,702
262251Echolands Raw Cut Ed4 $4.9912/29/21Image2,677
263180Magic Master of Metal1 Foil$9.9912/01/21Boom 2,662
265259Fathom The Core2$3.9912/22/21Aspen2,655
266254Shi No Kage5$3.9912/08/21Blackbox2,644
267263Search For Hu3$3.9912/01/21Aftershock2,607
268175Octobriana With Love1 $9.9912/22/21Dead Good2,578
269234Belle Kill Zone$5.9912/15/21Zenescope2,563
270253Sweet Paprika6$4.9912/22/21Image2,559
271233Demon Days X-Men Creators Cut1$5.9912/08/21Marvel PRH2,550
272256We Dont Kill Spiders3$3.9912/29/21Scout2,481
273269White6 $3.9912/22/21Black Mask2,454
274273No One Left to Fight II4$3.9912/29/21Dark Horse2,438
275264Blood On Sunset1 $3.9912/29/21Source Point2,373
276266Asylum of Horrors Halloween Sp One Shot$3.9912/01/21Asylum2,340
277267Watch Dogs Legion2 $3.9912/29/21Behemoth 2,315
278213Mega1$7.9912/29/21Red 52,289
279210Firefly Holiday Special1 Foil Intermix$8.9912/15/21Boom 2,271
280274Search For Hu4$3.9912/22/21Aftershock2,263
281268Zombie Terrors Halloween Sp$3.9912/01/21Asylum2,257
282252Devil Tree1 $4.9912/08/21Blood Moon2,239
283281Swamp God2 $2.9912/01/21Heavy Metal2,234
284270A Kings Vengeance1$3.9912/22/21Scout2,183
286248Last Book Youll Ever Read4 $5.9912/01/21Vault2,070
287275Twiztid Haunted High Ons Curse of Green Book2$3.9912/22/21Source Point2,015
288209Animal Castle1$10.0012/01/21Ablaze2,011
289276Download1$3.9512/15/21Red 51,910
290279Aggretsuko Out of Office2$3.9912/22/21Oni1,860
291277My Bad2$3.9912/08/21Ahoy1,815
292285Beware The Witchs Shadow Night Frights1 $3.9912/22/21American Mythology1,772
293286Willys Wonderland Prequel2$3.9912/22/21American Mythology1,760
294278Cherry Blackbird5 $3.9912/15/21Scout1,759
295271Space Corps1 $4.9912/08/21Comics Experience1,735
296280Billy The Kit3$3.9912/08/21Blue Juice1,678
297282Eeek Halloween Sp Ed One Shot$3.9912/01/21Asylum1,641
298284Unborn4 $3.9912/29/21Source Point1,636
299287Second Place1$3.9912/22/21Source Point1,555
300293Three Stooges Stocking Stuffer1$3.9912/22/21American Mythology1,468
301295Scary Christmas Vol. 21 $3.9912/22/21American Mythology1,428
302290Alias Black & White1$3.9912/29/21Antarctic1,353
303291Tales From The Dead Astronaut2$3.9912/29/21Source Point1,349
304294Horror Comics7$3.9912/29/21Antarctic1,317
305283Edgar Allan Poe`S Snifter of Death3 $4.9912/15/21Ahoy1,309
306296Impossible Jones2$3.9912/22/21Scout1,305
307262Coronavirus Book One Shot$8.0012/29/21Aardvark-Vanaheim1,302
308297Nine Stones5 $3.9912/29/21Behemoth 1,286
309307Dirtbag Rapture3$3.9912/01/21Oni1,270
310299My Bad3 $3.9912/29/21Ahoy1,256
311300Bountiful Garden4$3.9912/22/21Mad Cave1,228
312250Zombie Tramp83 Risque$9.9912/01/21Action Lab1,213
313321Black Beacon4$2.9912/22/21Heavy Metal1,186
314302By The Horns8 $3.9912/15/21Scout1,180
315304Night of Cadillacs2 $3.9912/29/21Scout1,172
316305Charlies Spot1 $3.9912/29/21Comics Experience1,164
317306Gods of Brutality3$3.9912/15/21Scout1,164
318298Aftershock Triple Play1$4.9912/15/21Aftershock1,125
319308Ranger Stranger$3.9912/15/21Scout1,106
320312Box3$3.9512/29/21Red 51,086
321292Great Gatsby3$4.9912/29/21Clover1,075
322313Nobodys Child4 $3.9912/22/21Behemoth 1,070
323314Third Wave 991$3.9912/15/21Scout1,058
324272Encoded2$7.9912/08/21Devil's Due1,047
325315Carpenter Tales Scifi Hell8 $3.9912/01/21Storm King1,030
326303Super Sleepy1$4.9912/15/21Binge1,029
327319Djinn Hunter5$3.9912/01/21Blackbox929
328325American Mythology Monsters Vol. 23 $3.9912/22/21American Mythology922
329309Ninjas & Robots12$4.9912/29/21Keenspot889
331310Exciting Comics17$4.9912/29/21Antarctic871
332323Suicide Jockeys4 $3.9912/01/21Source Point862
333317Starring Sonya Devereaux Summer Camp Massacre1$4.9912/22/21American Mythology854
334324Planet Comics4$3.9912/29/21Antarctic847
335326Verge2$3.9512/29/21Red 5847
336334Savage Circus7 $2.9912/22/21Heavy Metal818
337316Space Corps2 $4.9912/29/21Comics Experience793
338328Citizen4$3.9912/22/21Action Lab782
339329Technofreak3$3.9912/22/21American Mythology780
340318Boston Metaphysical Society Book of Demons One Shot$4.9912/22/21Source Point775
341289Archie Showcase Digest6$7.9912/01/21Archie742
342332Kaijumax Season 65$3.9912/29/21Oni728
343311Roadshow1 $5.9912/15/21Silver Sprocket718
344320Wild Bullets2$4.9912/22/21Source Point716
345331Verge3$3.9512/29/21Red 5696
346330Wolvenheart9$3.9912/08/21Mad Cave693
347327Willys Wonderland Prequel2$4.9912/22/21American Mythology679
348301Betty & Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest299$7.9912/15/21Archie666
349288Scary Christmas Vol. 21$9.9912/22/21American Mythology630
350333Cavewoman Killer Curves 2$3.9912/15/21Amryl624

December 2021 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Shipped to North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items released new this month that appeared on Diamond's end-of-year chart.
The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

The titles below appeared in Diamond's end-of-year list and had release dates in our records from this month. It does not include sales for any older titles. Orders for Marvel graphic novels may be presumed to be significantly smaller portions of their overall sales following that publisher's move to Penguin Random House for distribution.

UnitsDollarsGraphic novel titlePricePublisherPublisherEst. units
13Deserter Junji Ito Story Coll HC$22.9912/22/21Viz5,577
24Chainsaw Man Vol. 8$9.9912/08/21Viz5,462
39Jujutsu Kaisen Vol. 13$9.9912/08/21Viz4,839
41Spawn Compendium Vol. 2$59.9912/15/21Image4,504
523Kaiju No 8 Vol. 1$9.9912/08/21Viz2,700
616Old Guard Tales Through Time$16.9912/15/21Image2,358
735One Piece Vol. 98$9.9912/08/21Viz2,202
812Fist of the North Star Vol. 3$19.9912/22/21Viz1,925
922Barbaric HC Vol. 1$16.9912/22/21Vault 1,712
1017Amazing Screw On Head & Other Curious Objects$19.9912/08/21Dark Horse1,703
1126Killadelphia Vol. 3 Home Is Where Hatred Is$16.9912/22/21Image1,636
1214Mom Mother of Madness HC$24.9912/08/21Image1,632
1328Moonshine Vol. 5 The Well$16.9912/22/21Image1,612
1418Snake Eyes Deadgame$19.9912/22/21IDW1,612
152Saga Box Set$125.0012/15/21Image1,509
16116Pokemon Sword & Shield Vol. 2$4.9912/15/21Viz1,455
1737Star Wars Adventures Vol. 1 Light & Dark$14.9912/29/21IDW1,432
1838Beta Ray Bill Argent Star$15.9912/08/21Marvel1,431
1919Copra Vol. 6$24.9912/22/21Image1,401
2039Post Americana$16.9912/22/21Image1,371
2155Sea of Stars Vol. 2$14.9912/08/21Image1,291
226Sonic The Hedgehog Encyclospeedia HC$49.9912/08/21Dark Horse1,256
2351Persona 5 Mementos Missions Vol. 1$13.9912/08/21Udon1,247
2485Kirby Manga Mania Vol. 3$9.9912/15/21Viz1,239
2534Witcher Vol. 6 Witchs Lament$19.9912/08/21Dark Horse1,169
2660Hellboy Universe Essentials BPRD$14.9912/22/21Dark Horse1,157
2787Rosen Blood Vol. 1$9.9912/08/21Viz1,148
2831Luna$19.9912/15/21Boom 1,146
2921Immortal Hulk Vol. 10 Hell and Death$24.9912/08/21Marvel1,138
3049Power Rangers Unltd Edge of Darkness$16.9912/22/21Boom 1,123
3173Marvel Action Chillers$12.9912/22/21IDW1,097
3254Star Wars High Republic Vol. 2 Heart of Drengir$15.9912/08/21Marvel1,076
3343God of War Fallen God$19.9912/08/21Dark Horse1,075
3413Akira Toriyama Manga Theater HC$34.9912/08/21Viz1,071
3591Komi Cant Communicate Vol. 16$9.9912/08/21Viz1,048
3657Mighty Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2$15.9912/01/21Marvel1,042
3740Star Wars Vol. 3 War of Bounty Hunters$19.9912/29/21Marvel1,026
3872Cat Kid Comic Club HC Vol. 2 Perspectives$12.9912/01/21Scholastic1,009
3994Star Wars Attack of Clones Adaptation Gn$9.9912/15/21IDW1,005
4046Fullmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Ed HC Vol. 15$19.9912/08/21Viz979
4129Sin City Vol. 2 a Dame to Kill For (4Th Ed)$25.0012/08/21Dark Horse976
4283Tea Dragon Festival$12.9912/22/21Oni973
4332Enigma Definitive Ed HC$24.9912/22/21Dark Horse959
4465Thor By Donny Cates Vol. 3 Revelations$15.9912/15/21Marvel956
4524Usagi Yojimbo Saga Vol. 3 (2Nd Ed)$29.9912/01/21Dark Horse938
4664Power Rangers Vol. 3$16.9912/29/21Boom 932
4780Cats Purrfect Strangers$14.9912/22/21Dark Horse925
488Umbrella Academy Boxed Set$55.9712/01/21Dark Horse906
4953Star Wars War Bounty Hunters Companion$19.9912/08/21Marvel892
5047Cult of Dracula$19.9912/29/21Source Point880
5127BPRD Hell On Earth Vol. 3$29.9912/01/21Dark Horse879
5279Leone Notes On a Life$16.9912/15/21Image869
5311Venom Epic Collection Lethal Protector$44.9912/22/21Marvel861
5474Cat Massage Therapy Vol. 1$14.9912/22/21Seven Seas854
5542A Mans Skin Gn$24.9912/15/21Ablaze838
5630Grendel Devils Odyssey HC$29.9912/08/21Dark Horse818
5771Rewild$19.9912/01/21Dark Horse780
5882Star Wars Doctor Aphra Vol. 3 War of Bounty Hunters$15.9912/15/21Marvel778
5936Halo Legacy Collection$29.9912/22/21Dark Horse760
6052Maria Llovets Eros Psyche Vol. 1$24.9912/15/21Ablaze755
6148Lupin III Lupin The 3Rd Greatest Heists Classic Manga HC$23.9912/22/21Seven Seas727
6277Mafiosa$19.9912/22/21Dark Horse723
6375Breaker Omnibus Vol. 2$19.9912/29/21Ablaze698
6498Detective Is Already Dead Vol. 1$13.0012/15/21Yen687
6597Goblin Slayer Side Story II Dai Katana Vol. 2$13.0012/01/21Yen686
6692I Am a Cat Barista Vol. 1$13.9912/01/21Seven Seas680
67118Plants Vs. Zombies Dream a Little Scheme HC$10.9912/01/21Dark Horse666
68102Country Without Humans Vol. 1$12.9912/22/21Seven Seas642
6986Tremor Dose$19.9912/01/21Dark Horse641
7045Spider-Men Worlds Collide$29.9912/01/21Marvel637
7163Popeye HC Vol. 1 Olive Oyl & Her Sweety$24.9912/08/21Fantagraphics636
7220Ec Archives Crime Illustrated HC$49.9912/01/21Dark Horse626
7399Commanders In Crisis Vol. 2$16.9912/08/21Image608
74108Cheeky Brat Vol. 1$13.0012/01/21Yen585
76115Marvel Action Captain Marvel Vol. 3 Ghost In Machine$12.9912/22/21IDW564
7725Deadpool Epic Collection Circle Chase$44.9912/15/21Marvel562
7841Ec Archives Frontline Combat HC Vol. 3$39.9912/22/21Dark Horse556
7961Wall HC$29.9912/15/21Magnetic552
8033Amazing Spider-Man Epic Coll Spider-Man No More$39.9912/29/21Marvel543
8110Firefly Blue Sun Rising Dlx Ed HC$75.0012/22/21Boom 543
82113Final Fantasy Lost Stranger Vol. 6$13.0012/08/21Yen537
83105Splendid Work of Monster Maid Vol. 1$15.0012/15/21Yen537
84112My Lovey Dovey Wife Is a Stone Cold Killer Vol. 1$12.9912/01/21Seven Seas536
8593Plants Vs. Zombies Zomnibus HC Vol. 1$19.9912/22/21Dark Horse532
867Star Wars Darth Vader By Soule Omnibus HC$100.0012/22/21Marvel527
87146Call of the Night Vol. 5$9.9912/15/21Viz518
8881Vinland Saga Vol. 12$22.9912/29/21Kodansha515
8968Shangri La HC$29.9912/15/21Magnetic510
9084Toppi Gallery Scenes From The Bible HC$24.9912/15/21Magnetic504
9170Carbon Silicon HC$29.9912/15/21Magnetic502
9296Jp Roths Ancient Dreams$19.9912/15/21Ablaze500
93154Kaguya Sama Love Is War Vol. 21$9.9912/08/21Viz488
94119Young Ladies Dont Play Fighting Games Vol. 1$12.9912/15/21Seven Seas483
95123Hero Laughs Path of Vengeance Second Time Vol. 1$13.0012/29/21Yen472
96122Semelparous Vol. 1$12.9912/15/21Seven Seas472
97109Phantom on the Scan$16.9912/29/21Aftershock471
98157Yakuza Lover Vol. 3$9.9912/08/21Viz471
99104Garbage Man$19.9912/01/21Dark Horse470
10059Silk Out of the Spider-Verse Vol. 3$34.9912/08/21Marvel470
101137Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Vol. 9$10.9912/22/21Kodansha468
10289Overwatch Anthology Expanded Ed HC$24.9912/01/21Dark Horse465
10378Buffy Vampire Slayer Legacy Edition Vol. 6$29.9912/29/21Boom 451
104127That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Vol. 18$12.9912/15/21Kodansha451
105129Let This Grieving Soul Retire Vol. 1$13.0012/22/21Yen447
106128I Think Our Son Is Gay Vol. 2$12.9912/15/21Square Enix446
107155Archies Pals N Gals$10.9912/29/21Archie445
108106She Could Fly Vol. 3 Fight or Flight$19.9912/01/21Dark Horse445
109161Marvel-Verse Thor$9.9912/15/21Marvel431
110111Other Lives$17.9912/08/21Fantagraphics430
11144Thor Epic Collection Ulik Unchained$44.9912/22/21Marvel430
112100Classic Pulp #1 Spooks and Sleuths$19.9912/29/21Source Point423
113133Young Ladies Dont Play Fighting Games Vol. 2$12.9912/08/21Seven Seas417
11450Doctor Strange Epic Collection Separate Reality$44.9912/22/21Marvel415
115134Im The Catlords Manservant Vol. 2$13.0012/22/21Yen415
116110Dark$19.9912/08/21Dark Horse413
1175Animosity Omnibus HC$125.0012/15/21Aftershock412
118149Immortals Fenyx Rising From Great Beginnings$12.9912/01/21Dark Horse412
119144Golden Kamuy Vol. 24$12.9912/22/21Viz403
120136Wings of Fire Sc Vol. 5 Brightest Night$12.9912/15/21Scholastic403
12195Maison Ikkoku Collectors Edition Vol. 6$24.9912/22/21Viz401
122132Firefly New Sheriff In The Verse Vol. 1$14.9912/29/21Boom 400
123121Mighty Morphin Vol. 3$16.9912/29/21Boom 398
125126Ive Become An Omega Today Gn$15.0012/22/21Yen396
126125Project Patron$16.9912/22/21Aftershock396
127114Reign of X Vol. 7$17.9912/15/21Marvel396
12815Sin City Dlx HC Vol. 2 a Dame to Kill For (4Th Ed)$100.0012/08/21Dark Horse389
12967Friday Foster Collected HC$39.9912/15/21Ablaze384
130107Shaman King Omnibus Vol. 6$19.9912/08/21Kodansha383
131139Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Vol. 11$12.9912/15/21Seven Seas382
132130Champions Vol. 2 Killer App$15.9912/29/21Marvel381
133135Dai Dark 1 03$13.9912/15/21Seven Seas381
134153Therapy Game Restart Vol. 1$12.9912/15/21Sublime381
135117Persephone Hades Torment Gn$16.9912/01/21Seven Seas380
136141Rent a Girlfriend Vol. 10$12.9912/29/21Kodansha376
137160Fire Force Vol. 25$10.9912/22/21Kodansha375
138142Eminence In Shadow Vol. 2$13.0012/08/21Yen371
139164Asterix Papercutz Ed Vol. 39 Asterix & The Griffin$9.9912/29/21Papercutz369
140101Minky Woodcock Girl Who Electrified Tesla HC Vol. 2$24.9912/22/21Titan368
14158Daredevil Epic Collection Dead Mans Hand$44.9912/29/21Marvel367
142166Yona of the Dawn Vol. 33$9.9912/08/21Viz366
14369Conan Barbarian Epic Coll Orig Marvel Yrs Black Coast$39.9912/01/21Marvel363
14476Stranger Things Library Ed HC Vol. 2$39.9912/22/21Dark Horse363
145147Dont Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro Vol. 9$12.9512/15/21Vertical361
146148Im The Villainous So Im Taming Final Boss Vol. 2$13.0012/08/21Yen359
147131Undone By Blood Vol. 2 Other Side of Eden Other Side of Ed$16.9912/22/21Aftershock359
148150Higehiro After Being Rejected Vol. 2$12.9512/08/21One Peace357
149138Two Lions Gn$13.9912/15/21Seven Seas356
150140Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire Vol. 1$13.9912/29/21Seven Seas 355
15162Avengers Epic Collection Taking Aim$44.9912/01/21Marvel348
15256Electric Frankenstein$45.0012/29/21Clover348
15390X-Men From The Ashes$29.9912/08/21Marvel348
154145My Androgynous Boyfriend Vol. 3$13.9912/01/21Seven Seas340
155120Between Snow & Wolf HC$19.9912/08/21Magnetic338
156156Tale of the Secret Saint Vol. 1$12.9912/01/21Seven Seas338
15766Tomb of Dracula Complete Collection Vol. 5$44.9912/29/21Marvel337
158158Devil Is Part Timer Vol. 17$13.0012/01/21Yen326
159165Disney Manga Stitch & Samurai Vol. 3$10.9912/22/21Tokyopop323
160159Gleipnir Vol. 10$12.9912/15/21Kodansha323
16188Kamen Rider Classic Manga Collection HC$32.9912/29/21Seven Seas316
162143Afternoon At Mcburgers HC$16.9912/08/21Fantagraphics309
163162That Time I Reincarnated Slime Trinity Vol. 4$12.9912/01/21Kodansha306
164163Blue Period Vol. 5$12.9912/01/21Kodansha305
165152Heartstopper Vol. 4$14.9912/22/21Scholastic303
166167Stephen Mccranies Space Boy Vol. 11$10.9912/22/21Dark Horse303
167151Girls of Dimension 13$16.9912/29/21Aftershock301