

February 2001 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Comics Preordered by North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

A down month, but not as bad as some recent Februaries had been.

Diamond did release dollar rankings for the Top 300 comics; these will be added at a later date.

Click to skip to the Top Graphic Novels for the month.

—John Jackson Miller

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 300 charts, plus any post-#300 items from its Top Independent Publisher charts.
If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.
Items marked (resolicited) were offered in an earlier month but never shipped; disregard any previously reported figure, as earlier orders were canceled when the books were resolicited.
Click to read the methodology for this table's estimates.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitsDollarsComic-book TitleIssuePricePublisherEst. units
1-Uncanny X-Men391$2.25Marvel102,428
3-Ultimate X-Men3$2.25Marvel98,927
4-Ultimate Marvel Spider-Man & Wolverine1$2.99Marvel95,298
5-Battle Chasers8$2.50DC86,874
6-Green Arrow1$2.50DC85,046
10-Ultimate Spider-Man6$2.25Marvel65,344
11-Daredevil (resolicited)17$2.99Marvel62,453
13-Rising Stars14$2.50Image51,900
14-Fantastic Four40$2.25Marvel51,789
15-Universe X7 $3.50Marvel48,610
16-Amazing Spider-Man28$2.25Marvel48,559
17-Peter Parker Spider-Man28$2.25Marvel45,496
21-Tomb Raider11$2.50Image41,845
22-Aphrodite Ix3$2.50Image41,614
23-Detective Comics755$2.50DC41,142
24-Midnight Nation5$2.50Image40,777
25-X-Men Forever4 $3.50Marvel40,743
26-Iron Man39$2.25Marvel40,636
27-Captain America40$2.25Marvel40,550
32-Daredevil Spider-Man4 $2.99Marvel38,834
33-Action Comics776$2.25DC38,512
34-Mutant X30$2.25Marvel38,504
37-Hulk Smash2 $2.99Marvel37,680
40-Adventures of Superman589$2.25DC37,251
41-No Honor1$2.50Image37,118
42-Superman The Man of Steel111$2.25DC36,938
43-Incredible Hulk25 $2.99Marvel36,874
44-Generation X74$2.25Marvel36,668
45-Green Lantern135$2.25DC36,123
47-Harley Quinn5$2.25DC35,501
48-Batman Gotham Knights14$2.50DC35,492
49-Spider-Man Lifeline1 $2.99Marvel35,051
50-X-Men Blink3 $2.99Marvel34,703
51-Batman Legends of the Dark Knight140$2.25DC34,214
52-Marvel Knights10$2.99Marvel33,828
54-Spider-Man Lifeline2 $2.99Marvel33,124
57-Gambit & Bishop Sons of the Atom3 $2.25Marvel31,649
58-Gambit & Bishop Sons of the Atom4 $2.25Marvel31,396
59-Top Ten (resolicited)11$2.95DC31,078
63-Excalibur Sword of Power3 $2.99Marvel28,895
64-X-Men The Hidden Years17$2.50Marvel28,354
66-Witchblade Alien Darkness Predator Mindhunter3 $2.99Dark Horse27,938
67-Young Justice30$2.50DC26,926
68-Wonder Woman167$2.25DC26,703
70-Birds of Prey28$2.50DC25,403
71-Batman Hollywood Knight1 $2.50DC25,296
72-Captain Marvel16$2.50Marvel25,047
77-Steampunk (resolicited)7$2.50DC23,777
78-Star Wars27$2.99Dark Horse23,481
79-Fantastic Four Big Town4 $3.50Marvel23,203
80-Superboys Legion1$5.95DC22,975
81-Gen 1362$2.50DC22,919
83-Superman President Luthor Secret Files1$4.95DC22,087
86-Fantastic Four Worlds Greatest Comic Mag3 $2.99Marvel21,538
87-Crossgen Chronicles2$3.95Crossgen20,989
88-Black Panther29$2.50Marvel20,672
90-Sam and Twitch19$2.50Image20,251
91-Legion Lost12 $2.50DC20,178
92-Wildcats Vol. 220$2.50DC19,921
93-Spawn The Dark Ages24$2.50Image19,814
95-Legends of the DC Universe39$2.50DC19,398
96-Silke2$2.99Dark Horse19,368
99-Buffy The Vampire Slayer30$2.99Dark Horse18,973
100-Butcher Knight (resolicited)3$2.50Image18,943
103-Azrael Agent of the Bat75$3.95DC18,321
104-Tomorrow Stories10$2.95DC18,300
107-Darkchylde Redemption1$2.95Dark Horse18,012
108-Vampi7 Reg Ed$2.95Harris17,635
109-Buffy The Vampire Slayer Lovers Walk$2.99Dark Horse17,536
110-Fantastic Four The Fantastic Fourth Voyage of Sinbad$5.95Marvel17,472
111-Martian Manhunter29$2.50DC17,141
112-Savage Dragon84$2.95Image17,081
113-Lady Death Love Bites1$2.99Chaos16,494
115-100 Bullets21$2.50DC15,696
116-Sailor Moon28$2.95Tokyopop15,576
117-Names of Magic3 $2.50DC15,468
118-Zero Girl3 $2.95DC15,074
119-Star Wars Underworld3 $2.99Dark Horse15,027
121-Simpsons Comics55$2.50Bongo14,864
122-Star Wars Qui Gon & Obi Wan Lsoom2 $2.99Dark Horse14,675
124-Warlands Special Three Stories$5.95Image14,512
125-Lady Death Tribulation4$2.95Chaos14,486
126-Angel16$2.99Dark Horse14,254
127-Purgatori Love Bites1$2.99Chaos14,194
128-Powers Coloring & Activity Book$1.50Image14,091
130-Chastity Love Bites1$2.99Chaos13,594
131-Outlaw Nation6$2.50DC13,555
132-Batman Gotham Adventures35$1.99DC13,384
133-Bart Simpson Comics3$2.50Bongo13,281
134-Weird Western Tales1$2.50DC13,113
135-Shidima Pat Lee Cover2$2.95Image13,023
136-Vampirella Genesis1$2.95Harris12,925
137-Swamp Thing12$2.50DC12,616
138-El Diablo2 $2.50DC12,590
140-Bad Kitty2$2.99Chaos12,371
141-Star Wars Qui Gon & Obi Wan Lsoom Photo Cvr2 $2.99Dark Horse12,324
142-Double Image1$2.95Image12,268
143-Crusaders Urban Decree$3.95DC12,101
144-Section Zero6$2.95Image11,994
145-Star Wars Underworld Photo Cover3 $2.99Dark Horse11,964
146-Batman Beyond18$1.99DC11,861
147-Star Trek Voyager Planet Killer2$2.95DC11,007
148-Dragonball Z Part 43 $2.95Viz10,501
149-Oh My Goddess Part X1$3.50Dark Horse10,372
150-User2 $5.95DC10,222
151-Star Trek Enter The Wolves$5.95DC10,222
152-Powerpuff Girls12$1.99DC10,201
153-Jezebelle2 $2.50DC10,128
154-Shi Akai1$2.99Crusade9,690
155-Rockstar Games Oni1 $2.99Dark Horse9,643
156-Shidima Namakemono Cover2$2.95Image9,562
157-Superman Adventures54$1.99DC9,429
158-Shidima Arnakin Cover2$2.95Image9,094
159-Atomics14$3.50AAA Pop8,880
160-Dragonball Part 39 $2.95Viz8,764
161-Dark Realm3$2.95Image8,764
162-Sergio Aragones Actions Speak2 $2.99Dark Horse8,725
163-Objective 57$2.95Image8,588
164-Blade of the Immortal 54$2.99Dark Horse8,502
165-Gunsmith Cats Mister V5 $3.50Dark Horse8,360
166-Grendel Devils Legacy12 $2.99Dark Horse8,052
167-Adventures of Barry Ween 3 Monkey Tales1 $2.95Oni7,910
168-Gundam Wing11$2.95Tokyopop7,863
169-Murder Me Dead4 $2.95El Capitan7,824
170-Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Blind Target1 $2.95Viz7,799
171-Just A Pilgrim Preview Book$3.75Wizard7,790
172-Ring of Nibelung Siegfried3 $2.99Dark Horse7,777
173-Super Manga Blast10$4.99Dark Horse7,726
174-Poison Elves Lusiphur & Lirilith1 $2.95Sirius7,258
175-Knights of the Dinner Table52$2.95Kenzer7,224
176-Ranma 1/2 Part 910 $2.95Viz7,198
177-Neon Genesis Evangelion Book 55 $2.95Viz7,074
179-Avengelyne Dark Depths2 $3.50Avatar6,790
181-Quantum & Woody (resolicited)22$2.50Acclaim5,838
182-Hammer of the Gods1 $2.95Insight5,632
183-Girl Genius1$2.95Studio Foglio5,525
184-Castle Waiting Vol. 24$2.95Cartoon5,358
185-Knights of the Dinner Table Illustrated5$2.95Kenzer5,289
186-Gold Digger Vol. 219$2.95Antarctic5,268
187-Shidima Warlands Ice Age Preview Book$5.95Image5,246
189-Warren Ellis Stranger Kisses3 $3.00Avatar5,105
190-Static Shock Rebirth of the Cool4 $2.50DC5,100
191-Cardcaptor Sakura13$2.95Tokyopop5,049
192-Jade Warriors Slave of the Dragon2 $3.50Avatar4,997
193-Chaos Comics Presents Jade Preview Bk$1.99Chaos4,929
194-No Need For Tenchi Part 106 $2.95Viz4,817
195-First Wave Jordan Radcliffe$2.99Realm4,607
197-Sonic The Hedgehog94$1.99Archie4,530
198-Inu Yasha Part 59 $2.95Viz4,487
199-Top Cow Classics Midnight Nation1$2.95Image4,067
200-Looney Tunes75$1.99DC4,019
201-Marquis Danse Macabre5 $2.95Oni3,856
202-Blue Monday Absolute Beginners1 $2.95Oni3,813
203-Tomb Raider B&W Mini Preview Edition$2.00Image3,702
204-Dark Angel22$2.95CPM3,698
205-Cavewoman Intervention2$2.95Basement3,642
206-Age of Bronze10$3.50Image3,595
207-How To Draw Manga Figure Drawing3$4.95Antarctic3,535
208-Cartoon Cartoons2$1.99DC3,462
209-Lodoss War Chronicles Heroic Knight6$2.95CPM3,402
210-El Hazard The Magnificent World Part 21 $2.95Viz3,367
212-Gold Digger Edge Guard4 $2.95Radio3,350
213-Ninja High School81$2.95Antarctic3,337
214-Dexters Laboratory20$1.99DC3,273
216-Betty & Veronica159$1.99Archie3,140
217-Super Taboo Extreme3 $3.95Fantagraphics3,101
218-Sabrina Vol. 217$1.99Archie3,059
219-Pokemon Adventures Part 37 $2.95Viz3,011
220-Aqua Knight Part 25 $3.50Viz2,998
221-Tick Circus Maximus Redux1$3.50New England2,977
223-Betty & Veronica Double Digest96 $3.29Archie2,827
224-X-Men Universe17$3.99Marvel2,788
225-Silke Humberto Ramos Incentive Variant Cvr2$2.99Dark Horse2,745
226-Voice of Submission 2 Gehenna5 $3.50Fantagraphics2,702
227-Silent Mobius Love & Chaos3 $2.95Viz2,698
228-Warrior Nun Areala Vol. 319$2.95Antarctic2,634
229-Little Gloomy5$2.95Slave Labor2,630
231-Martian Successor Nadesico21$2.95CPM2,625
232-Betty & Veronica Spectacular47$1.99Archie2,535
233-Zendra2 $2.95Penny Farthing2,445
234-Saint Tail4$2.95Tokyopop2,402
235-Archie Digest179$2.19Archie2,338
236-Jugheads Double Digest75 $3.29Archie2,338
237-Betty & Veronica Digest119$2.19Archie2,316
239-Miracle Girls5$2.95Tokyopop2,265
240-Genus46 $2.95Radio2,261
241-Private Beach1$2.95Slave Labor2,222
243-Manga Ex1$6.95Antarctic2,205
244-Thieves & Kings35$2.50I Box2,205
246-Smile Vol. 33$4.99Tokyopop2,171
247-Futabakun Change Vol. 62$2.95Ironcat2,098
248-Time Traveler Ai17$2.95CPM2,072
249-Herobear and The Kid 2nd Prtg1$2.95Astonish2,063
250-Warren Ellis Stranger Kisses Wraparound3 $3.95Avatar2,025
251-Laugh Digest165$2.19Archie2,025
253-Stark Raven6$2.95Endless Horizon1,978
254-Tigers of Terra Vol. 34 $2.95Antarctic1,952
255-Spellbound Magic of Love (resolicited)1$2.95Fantagraphics1,930
256-Vampire Princess Yui Vol. 22$2.95Ironcat1,922
257-Mobius Klein2$2.95Fantagraphics1,857
258-Boffy The Vampire Layer3 $2.95Fantagraphics1,836
260-Junior5 $2.95Fantagraphics1,716
261-Evil Eye7$2.95Fantagraphics1,673
263-Vampfire Remastered3 $3.95Broadsword1,656
264-Herobear and The Kid 2nd Prtg2$2.95Astonish1,643
265-Princess Prince5$2.95CPM1,639
266-Venus Domina Vs Akuma She Candlemass Special$3.95Verotik1,617
267-Ogenki Clinic Vol. 73 $2.95Ironcat1,600
268-Eddie Campbells Bacchus58$2.95Eddie Campbell1,574
269-Spawn (reorders)21$1.95Premiere1,557
270-Lady Death Love Bites Premium Ed1$9.99Chaos1,540
271-Arsenic Lullaby13$2.50A Silent1,514
272-Prophecy of the Soul Sorcerer Vol. 2 (resolicited)5$2.95Archie1,463
273-Shi Year of the Dragon Young & Deadly2$3.75Comic Cavalcade1,437
274- DFE Aphrodite IX 2 $6.99Dynamic Forces1,428
275-Avengelyne Demonslayer Evil Rising1$3.75Comic Cavalcade1,424
276-Kane31 $2.95Dancing Elephant1,420
277-Treasure Chests6 $2.95Fantagraphics1,416
278-Weather Woman7$2.95CPM1,416
279-Warhammer Monthly39$2.95Games Workshop1,416
280-Betty Page The 50S Rage1 Revised Ed$3.25Illustration1,411
281-Immoral Angel14 $2.95CPM1,386
282-Shanda The Panda31$2.99Shanda1,373
283-Patrick The Wolf Boy Valentines Day Sp$2.95Blindwolf1,317
285-Bizzarian6 $2.95Ironcat1,313
287-Chastity Love Bites Premium Ed1$9.99Chaos1,291
288-Spook Girl5$2.95Slave Labor1,287
289-Purgatori Love Bites Premium Ed1$9.99Chaos1,244
291-7 Guys of Justice7$2.00False Idol1,223
293-Spawn (reorders)30$1.95Premiere1,214
294-Submissive Suzanne8 $2.95Fantagraphics1,201
295-Vampire Schoolgirls From Hell1 $3.00SWI1,188
296-Last Kiss1$4.99Shanda1,188
297-Spawn (reorders)29$1.95Premiere1,158
298-Alice In Lost World3 $2.95Radio1,107
299-Demonslayer Companion$3.75Comic Cavalcade1,094
300-Hyper Dolls Vol. 56$2.95Ironcat1,081

February 2001 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Preordered by North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top Graphic Novel charts. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.

The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

Diamond accidentally re-ran its January 2001 chart in its February 2001 Diamond Dialogue, meaning that while the other data was available separately, dollar rankings are unknown.

UnitsDollarsTrade Paperback titlePricePublisherEst. units
1n.a.Lone Wolf and Cub Vol. 7 Dragon Cloud Wind Tiger $9.95Dark Horse12,710
2n.a.Akira Vol. 2 $24.95Dark Horse8,429
3n.a.Essential Avengers Vol. 3 $14.95Marvel5,444
4n.a.Ranma 1/2 Vol. 17$15.95Viz4,019
5n.a.Batgirl Silent Running$12.95DC3,882
6n.a.Crimson Earth Angel$14.95DC3,191
7n.a.Strangers In Paradise Vol. 9 Child of Rage$15.95Abstract3,041
8n.a.Usagi Yojimbo Demon Mask $15.95Dark Horse2,968
9n.a.Justice League of America Archives Vol. 7 HC$49.95DC2,831
10n.a.Gunsmith Cats Kidnapped $16.95Dark Horse2,767
11n.a.Tellos Vol. 1 Reluctant Heroes$17.95Image2,514
12n.a.Fushigi Yugi Vol. 4 Bandit$15.95Viz2,505
13n.a.Planetary All Over The World and Other Stories HC$24.95DC2,497
14n.a.Dragonball Vol. 4 $14.95Viz2,428
15n.a.Star Wars Outlander $12.95Dark Horse2,419
16n.a.Knights of the Dinner Table Bundle of Trouble Vol. 8$9.95Kenzer2,295
17n.a.Orion The Gates of Apokolips$12.95DC1,875
18n.a.Heavy Liquid$29.95DC1,733
19n.a.Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Blood of Carthage $10.95Dark Horse1,690
20n.a.Insane Clown Posse Pendulum Vol. 2$8.99Chaos1,677
21n.a.Clover Vol. 1 Pocket Mixx$14.95Tokyopop1,596
22n.a.Compleat Cannon$19.95Fantagraphics1,231
23n.a.Horny Tails (A) $12.95NBM1,055
24n.a.Peach Girl Vol. 1 Pocket Mixx (Res)$9.95Tokyopop1,021
25n.a.Wild Side Vol. 2$7.95United858