

January 2008 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Comics Shipped to North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

The Direct Market had a decent start to 2008 with January’s orders, up slightly against a January that had the same number of shipping weeks, five. DC posted five Countdown to Final Crisis issues in the 68,000-70,000 range — again, a case where having the extra week helps, just as it helped the now biweekly Amazing Spider-Man to post three entries into the Top 10 this month.

Dynamite generated the highest non Marvel/DC debut in some years with Project Superpowers #0, landing in fourth with nearly 118,600 copies. It was a $1 special, putting its ranking in a somewhat different context, but Diamond had traditionally included dollar comics in its Top 300, going back to the days of Marvel’s Uncanny Origins and Gladstone’s Walt Disney’s Comics & Stories Penny Pincher in 1997.

Diamond Comic Distributors had to do a full rerelease of the month's sales reports after a number of problems were discovered with the original tables; some comics from February had gotten mixed in, for example. The changes also resulted in Hulk #1 moving into first place, evidently after some variant covers were combined. It was early March before the final data was online.

January began a limited stretch where my initial reports appeared on Newsarama rather than Comichron; click to see the archived original report for the month, but note that there were later revisions as mentioned above. You can also click to skip to the Top Graphic Novels for the month.

—John Jackson Miller

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 300 chart. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.
Click to read the methodology for this table's estimates.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitsDollarsComic-book TitleIssuePricePublisherEst. units
21Amazing Spider-Man546$3.99Marvel127,856
33Captain America34$2.99Marvel127,524
456Project Superpowers0$1.00Dynamic113,100
55Astonishing X-Men24$2.99Marvel107,545
66Uncanny X-Men494$2.99Marvel105,435
77Ultimates 32$2.99Marvel104,985
99Amazing Spider-Man547$2.99Marvel101,132
1010Amazing Spider-Man548$2.99Marvel97,881
1111Justice League of America17$2.99DC94,636
1212Mighty Avengers7$2.99Marvel92,665
134New Avengers Annual2$3.99Marvel89,572
1413Buffy the Vampire Slayer10$2.99Dark Horse88,403
1514Mighty Avengers8$2.99Marvel84,391
1615New X-Men46$2.99Marvel82,592
1817Incredible Hercules113$2.99Marvel73,475
1918Countdown to Final Crisis16$2.99DC69,573
2019Countdown to Final Crisis17$2.99DC69,531
2120Countdown to Final Crisis15$2.99DC69,448
2322Countdown to Final Crisis14$2.99DC68,715
2423Countdown to Final Crisis13$2.99DC68,044
2524Green Lantern27$2.99DC67,546
2727Marvel Zombies 24$2.99Marvel60,628
2828Ultimate Spider-Man118$2.99Marvel58,753
2930Ultimate Human1$2.99Marvel57,439
3032Action Comics861$2.99DC56,049
3133Avengers Initiative9$2.99Marvel55,225
3234Teen Titans55$2.99DC52,334
3335Superman Batman45$2.99DC52,078
3436Wolverine Origins21$2.99Marvel51,877
3537Detective Comics840$2.99DC51,538
3639Ultimate X-Men90$2.99Marvel49,594
3740Fantastic Four553$2.99Marvel48,294
3842Ultimate Iron Man II2$2.99Marvel46,211
3925Angel After The Fall3$3.99IDW45,976
4144Green Lantern Corps20$2.99DC44,572
4245Ultimate Fantastic Four50$2.99Marvel44,108
4346New Exiles1$2.99Marvel43,818
4447Young Avengers Presents1$2.99Marvel43,679
4649Teen Titans Year One1$2.99DC43,022
4731Captain America Chosen6$3.99Marvel42,939
4851Wonder Woman16$2.99DC42,863
5154World War Hulk Aftersmash Warbound2$2.99Marvel39,757
5255Onslaught Reborn5$2.99Marvel39,051
5338Iron Man25$3.99Marvel38,041
5558Booster Gold6$2.99DC36,263
5660Punisher War Journal15$2.99Marvel35,786
5862What If Spider-Man Vs Wolverine0$2.99Marvel35,253
5963Green Arrow Black Canary4$2.99DC35,011
6029Teen Titans The Lost Annual0$4.99DC34,942
6164Moon Knight14$2.99Marvel34,541
6267World War Hulk Aftersmash Damage Control1$2.99Marvel33,559
6368X-Men Emperor Vulcan5$2.99Marvel33,524
6470Legion of Super Heroes38$2.99DC33,019
6571Immortal Iron Fist12$2.99Marvel32,597
6750Spider-Man With Great Power1$3.99Marvel32,175
6975World of Warcraft3$2.99DC31,158
7077Star Wars Legacy18$2.99Dark Horse31,013
7159Death of New Gods5$3.50DC30,971
7280Annihilation Conquest3$2.99Marvel30,065
7482Umbrella Academy Apocalypse Suite5$2.99Dark Horse29,712
7685New Warriors8$2.99Marvel28,903
7786Black Adam Dark Age6$2.99DC28,882
7887Ghost Rider19$2.99Marvel28,543
8041Y The Last Man60$4.99DC28,412
8189Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Guilty Pleasures7$2.99Marvel27,851
8290House of M Avengers4$2.99Marvel27,803
8391Silver Surfer In Thy Name3$2.99Marvel27,609
8492Salvation Run3$2.99DC26,807
859352 Aftermath Four Horsemen6$2.99DC26,329
8665Countdown To Mystery4$3.99DC25,741
8766Countdown To Adventure6$3.99DC25,223
8869Spider Man Swing Shift Directors Cut One Shot0$3.99Marvel25,029
8994Star Wars Knights of Old Republic25$2.99Dark Horse25,015
9095Gotham Underground4$2.99DC24,718
9196Trials of Shazam11$2.99DC24,586
9297Ms. Marvel23$2.99Marvel24,240
9398Birds of Prey114$2.99DC24,192
9473Exiles Days of Then & Now0$3.99Marvel23,977
9599Cable Deadpool49$2.99Marvel23,403
96100Star Wars Dark Times8$2.99Dark Horse23,334
9776She-Hulk 225$3.99Marvel23,265
9878Countdown To Mystery5$3.99DC22,960
100102Countdown Lord Havok & Extremists3$2.99DC22,628
10179Ultimate Secrets0$3.99Marvel22,538
102103Superman Confidential11$2.99DC22,538
103105Star Wars Legacy0.5$2.99Dark Horse22,172
10484Frank Frazettas Death Dealer6$3.99Image21,881
105106Conan48$2.99Dark Horse21,833
108109Penance Relentless4$2.99Marvel21,127
109110JLA Classified50$2.99DC19,757
110111Countdown Lord Havok & Extremists4$2.99DC19,667
113113JLA Classified51$2.99DC18,837
114115Crime Bible Five Lessons of Blood4$2.99DC18,125
115116Red Sonja29$2.99Dynamic17,675
117101Marvel Comics Presents5$3.99Marvel17,412
118118BPRD 19461$2.99Dark Horse17,225
119119Evil Dead1$2.99Dark Horse17,219
120120Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash4$2.99DC17,156
121121Suicide Squad Raise Flag5$2.99DC17,080
123125Jack of Fables19$2.99DC16,873
124126JSA Classified34$2.99DC16,838
125127Wonder Girl5$2.99DC16,727
126128Amazing Spider-Girl16$2.99Marvel16,409
127129Simon Dark4$2.99DC16,229
128130Metal Men5$2.99DC16,139
130132X-Men First Class Vol. 28$2.99Marvel15,973
132134End League1$2.99Dark Horse15,911
134138Black Summer5$2.99Avatar15,178
135139Authority Prime4$2.99DC15,046
136140Uncle Sam & Freedom Fighters5$2.99DC14,977
137141Blue Beetle23$2.99DC14,950
139123G. I. Joe Americas Elite31$3.50Devil's Due14,548
141147Lobster Johnson Iron Prometheus5$2.99Dark Horse14,195
142149Infinity Inc5$2.99DC13,939
143150Jonah Hex27$2.99DC13,870
144151All New Atom19$2.99DC13,850
145153Gen 1316$2.99DC13,607
146114Transformers Devastation4$3.99IDW13,594
147158Spawn Godslayer6$2.99Image12,888
148142Grendel Behold Devil3$3.50Dark Horse12,660
149160Bat Lash2$2.99DC12,418
150161Ultimates 31$2.99Marvel12,265
153167Wildstorm Revelations1$2.99DC11,684
154152Sword of Red Sonja Doom of the Gods4$3.50Dynamic11,657
155136Angel After The Fall2 2nd Ptg$3.99IDW11,594
156137Transformers Beast Wars Ascending4$3.99IDW11,484
157169Goon20$2.99Dark Horse11,283
158170Mice Templar3$2.99Image11,283
159155Army of Darkness From Ashes5$3.50Dynamic11,242
160171100 Bullets87$2.99DC11,235
161174New Battlestar Galactica Season Zero5$2.99Dynamic10,909
162175Wildstorm Revelations2$2.99DC10,868
163176Groo Hell On Earth3$2.99Dark Horse10,743
164146Transformers Spotlight Blaster0$3.99IDW10,695
166177Grimm Fairy Tales Return To Wonderland5$2.99Zenescope10,695
168148Doktor Sleepless4$3.99Avatar10,529
169179Avengers Classic8$2.99Marvel10,508
170180Howard The Duck4$2.99Marvel10,432
171163Sheena4$3.50Devil's Due10,252
172182Omega Unknown4$2.99Marvel10,155
173124Countdown Special New Gods0$4.99DC10,149
174183Madman Atomic Comics6$2.99Image10,121
175154Zombie Simon Garth3$3.99Marvel10,003
176156Star Trek Year Four6$3.99IDW9,789
178188Tarot Witch of Black Rose48$2.95Broadsword9,505
179159St Tng Intelligence Gathering1$3.99IDW9,381
180189Marvel Spotlight Ultimates 30$2.99Marvel9,346
181190Iron & Maiden Brutes Bims & City1$2.99Aspen9,208
182191Simpsons Comics138$2.99Bongo9,000
183192Grimm Fairy Tales20$2.99Zenescope9,000
185168Angel After The Fall1$3.99IDW8,668
186172Star Trek Aliens Spotlight Borg0$3.99IDW8,405
187221Justice League Unlimited41$2.25DC8,301
188196Friday The 13th Bad Land1$2.99DC8,122
189197Dan Dare3$2.99Virgin7,651
190226Teen Titans Go51$2.25DC7,596
191199Futurama Comics35$2.99Bongo7,534
192184Doctor Who Classics2$3.99IDW7,229
193185Kiss 4k5$3.99Image7,188
194186Wormwood Calamari Rising1$3.99IDW7,139
196207Uncanny X-Men493$2.99Marvel7,056
199212American Virgin22$2.99DC6,897
200213Vinyl Underground4$2.99DC6,849
201215Hedge Knight 2 Sworn Sword4$2.99Marvel6,807
202241Sonic The Hedgehog184$2.25Archie6,773
203242Batman Strikes41$2.25DC6,717
204246Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century10$2.25DC6,669
206218Simpsons Super Spectacular6$2.99Bongo6,579
207164Forgotten Realms Halflings Gem3$5.50Devil's Due6,503
209200Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. 36$3.50Devil's Due6,309
210194Witchblade Takeru Manga11$3.99Image6,295
211195Zombies Vs Robots Vs Amazons2$3.99IDW6,288
212202Highlander Way of Sword2$3.50Dynamic6,226
213144Transformers Beast Wars Sourcebook3$6.99IDW6,178
214181Civil War Chronicles7$4.99Marvel6,122
215205Terminator 2 Infinity6$3.50Dynamic6,074
216223Marvel Adventures Spider-Man35$2.99Marvel6,060
217224Amory Wars5$2.99Image6,032
218225Army @ Love11$2.99DC6,019
219210Hack Slash Series7$3.50Devil's Due5,929
220214Hack Slash Series8$3.50Devil's Due5,832
221198Fallen Angel23$3.99IDW5,707
222227Usagi Yojimbo109$2.99Dark Horse5,693
223228Dynamo 510$2.99Image5,680
224229Marvel Adventures Avengers20$2.99Marvel5,666
225231Fear Agent18$2.99Dark Horse5,610
226233Nightwing138 2nd Ptg (Ghul)$2.99DC5,520
232239Crossing Midnight15$2.99DC5,251
233240Marvel Illustrated Iliad2$2.99Marvel5,244
234216Transformers Best of Uk Dinobots5$3.99IDW5,064
235245Detective Comics838$2.99DC5,022
236269Sonic X28$2.25Archie4,877
237247Magician Apprentice12$2.99Marvel4,849
238219Ant Unleashed2$3.99Big City4,815
239248World of Warcraft1 2nd Ptg$2.99DC4,759
240274Sonic X29$2.25Archie4,670
241250Marvel Adventures Hulk7$2.99Marvel4,649
242251Lady Death 2007 Swimsuit Special0$2.99Avatar4,614
243222Amazing Spider-Man545$3.99Marvel4,600
244165Uncle Scrooge371$7.99Gemstone4,469
245254Marvel Adventures Iron Man9$2.99Marvel4,448
246255Iron Man Power Pack3$2.99Marvel4,441
247203Knights of Dinner Table135$4.99Kenzer4,337
249258Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four32$2.99Marvel4,289
250259Marvel Illustrated Picture Dorian Gray2$2.99Marvel4,282
252261Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash1$2.99DC4,206
253173Walt Disneys Comics & Stories686$7.99Gemstone4,185
254232Fall of Cthulhu9$3.99Boom4,171
255284Scooby Doo128$2.25DC4,144
257238Gene Simmons Dominatrix6$3.99IDW3,957
258252Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters1$3.50Dynamic3,867
259244Tales From The Crypt4$3.95NBM3,805
260265Living Corpse1$2.99Zenescope3,763
261266Infinite Horizon2$2.99Image3,736
262268Batman671 2nd Ptg (Ghul)$2.99DC3,673
263260Speak of Devil4$3.50Dark Horse3,632
264271World of Warcraft2$2.99DC3,597
265262Wildstorm Fine Arts Spotlight On Wildcats0$3.50DC3,563
266249Bloodrayne Automaton0$3.99Digital Webbing3,487
267275Detective Comics839$2.99DC3,473
268253Badger Saves World2$3.99IDW3,390
269279Scream3$2.99Dark Horse3,362
270302Steve Niles Strange Cases3$2.50Image3,334
271281After The Cape II3$2.99Image3,327
273272Omega One1$3.25Big City3,293
274264New World Order1$3.50Image3,279
275267Suburban Glamour3$3.50Image3,182
276283Atomic Robo4$2.95Red 53,175
277286Buffy The Vampire Slayer8$2.99Dark Horse3,099
278287John Woos Seven Brothers Series 24$2.99Virgin3,092
279273Cemetery Blues1$3.50Image3,030
281290Buffy the Vampire Slayer7$2.99Dark Horse2,995
283294Gold Digger91$2.99Antarctic2,906
284297Hawaiian Dick2$2.99Image2,892
285298Umbrella Academy Apocalypse Suite4$2.99Dark Horse2,878
286299Gold Digger92$2.99Antarctic2,816
287300Buffy the Vampire Slayer6$2.99Dark Horse2,816
288303Robin169 2nd Ptg (Ghul)$2.99DC2,774
289305Red Prophet Tales of Alvin Maker12$2.99Marvel2,753
290307Ramayan 3392 A.D. Reloaded3$2.99Virgin2,726
291309Umbrella Academy Apocalypse Suite3$2.99Dark Horse2,705
292270Gene Simmons Zipper3$3.99IDW2,698
293293Tales of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles41$3.25Mirage2,684
295285Jason & Argonauts Kingdom of Hades1$3.50Bluewater2,656
296350Looney Tunes158$2.25DC2,594
297312Umbrella Academy Apocalypse Suite2$2.99Dark Horse2,573
298277Simpsons Classics15$3.99Bongo2,553
299291Jack Staff Special1$3.50Image2,546
300280Castle Waiting Vol. II10$3.95Fantagraphics2,532

January 2008 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Shipped to North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 100 Graphic Novel chart. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.

The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

For a month with relatively fewer mammoth hardcover offerings than seen in previous months, Diamond’s top grouping of trades was up in orders versus the same month in 2007

UnitsDollarsTrade Paperback titlePricePublisherEst. units
13Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1$17.95Dark Horse6,212
24Ultimate X-Men Vol. 17 Sentinels$17.99Marvel6,025
31Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol. 3$24.95Dark Horse4,766
47Hulk Prem HC The End$19.99Marvel4,670
58Powers Vol. 11 Secret Identity$19.95Marvel4,607
622Pride of Baghdad$12.99DC4,573
711Star Wars Dark Times Vol. 1 Path To Nowhere$17.95Dark Horse4,490
864Kabuki Reflections Vol. 9$5.99Marvel4,469
95X-Men HC Endangered Species$24.99Marvel4,137
1010Batman The Man Who Laughs HC$19.99DC4,082
1112New Avengers Prem HC Illuminati$19.99Marvel3,826
1225Berserk Vol. 21$13.95Dark Horse3,819
1316BPRD Vol. 7 Garden of Souls$17.95Dark Horse3,763
1418Doom Patrol Vol. 6 Planet Love$19.99DC3,141
156Uncanny X-Men Rise & Fall of Shiar Empire$29.99Marvel3,120
1657Path of Assassin Vol. 8$9.95Dark Horse3,078
1731Conan Blood Stained Crown & Other Stories$14.95Dark Horse3,065
1852Negima Vol. 16$10.95Random House3,044
1924Star Wars Knights of Old Republic Vol. 3$18.95Dark Horse3,037
2019Thunderbolts By Ellis Vol. 1 Faith In Monsters$19.99Marvel3,037
2135Ultimate Vision$14.99Marvel2,926
2228Showcase Presents Robin Boy Wonder Vol. 1$16.99DC2,906
2337Nextwave Agents of Hate Vol. 2 I Kick Your Face$14.99Marvel2,843
249House of M HC$29.99Marvel2,816
2559New Avengers Transformers$10.99Marvel2,739
2617Harley Quinn Preludes & Knock Knock Jokes HC$24.99DC2,691
2733Essential Power Man & Iron Fist Vol. 1$16.99Marvel2,663
2842X-Men Phoenix Warsong$14.99Marvel2,650
2940Disneys Ducktales By Marv Wolfman Scrooges Quest$15.99Gemstone2,629
3066Bone Color Ed Vol. 7 Ghost Circles$9.99Scholastic2,622
3134Essential Captain America Vol. 4$16.99Marvel2,608
333230 Days of Night Vol. 8 Red Snow$17.99IDW2,539
3436Showcase Presents Aquaman Vol. 2$16.99DC2,504
3544Outsiders Checkmate Checkout$14.99DC2,504
3613Annihilation Conquest HC Book 1$29.99Marvel2,497
3745New Warriors Vol. 1 Defiant$14.99Marvel2,490
3849Fantastic Four The End$14.99Marvel2,373
3930Tales of the New Gods$19.99DC2,338
4014Heroes HC$29.99DC2,269
4173Oh My Goddess Vol. 28$10.95Dark Horse2,269
4262Superman Redemption$12.99DC2,228
4385Trigun Maximum Vol. 12$9.95Dark Horse2,186
4439Moon Knight Prem HC Vol. 2 Midnight Sun$19.99Marvel2,110
4579Ghost Rider Vol. 3 Apocalypse Soon$10.99Marvel2,089
4627Predator Omnibus Vol. 2$24.95Dark Horse2,082
4741Marvel Zombies Army of Darkness HC$19.99Marvel2,027
4820Young Avengers HC$29.99Marvel2,013
4963Heroes For Hire Vol. 3 World War Hulk$13.99Marvel1,999
5021League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Black Dossier HC$29.99DC1,985
5155Buffy the Vampire Slayer Long Way Home$15.95Dark Horse1,979
5269JLA Kid Amazo$12.99DC1,972
5350JSA Presents Vol. 2 Stars & Stripes$17.99DC1,951
5472El Diablo$12.99DC1,930
552Marvel Masterworks Golden Age Daring Mystery HC Vol. 1$59.99Marvel1,902
5629Avengers West Coast Darker Than Scarlet$24.99Marvel1,895
5751Manhunter Vol. 4 Unleashed$17.99DC1,882
58107Inu Yasha Vol. 32$8.95Viz1,875
5947Spider-Woman Origin Premiere HC$19.99Marvel1,840
6056Essential Marvel Saga Vol. 1$16.99Marvel1,812
6167Shadowpact Vol. 2 Cursed$14.99DC1,723
6270Fight For Tomorrow$14.99DC1,702
6338Civil War$24.99Marvel1,695
6484JLA Hypothetical Woman$12.99DC1,695
65132Transformers Animated Vol. 1$7.99IDW1,660
6653X-Factor Prem HC Madrox Multiple Choice$19.99Marvel1,653
6854Hulk Visionaries Peter David Vol. 5$19.99Marvel1,598
6977Ms Marvel Vol. 3 Operation Lightning Storm$14.99Marvel1,584
7043Dark Tower Gunslinger Born Prem HC$24.99Marvel1,570
71115Samurai Deeper Kyo Vol. 26$9.99Tokyopop1,570
7358Johnny Homicidal Maniac Directors Cut Sc$19.95Slave Labor1,515
7561Gargoyles Vol. 1 Clan Building$19.95Slave Labor1,453
76124My Hime Vol. 5$9.99Tokyopop1,446
77100Casanova Vol. 1 Luxuria$12.99Image1,404
7874Grifter & Midnighter$17.99DC1,384
7915E.C. Archives Crime Suspenstories HC Vol. 1$49.95Gemstone1,356
8093Batman Dark Knight Returns$14.99DC1,335
81135Walking Dead Vol. 1 Days Gone Bye$9.99Image1,307
82139Fables Vol. 1 Legends In Exile$9.99DC1,287
8397Bomb Queen Vol. 3 Bombshell$14.99Image1,280
84109Walking Dead Vol. 7 Calm Before$12.99Image1,273
8598Boys Vol. 1$14.99Dynamic1,266
86159Nana Vol. 8$8.99Viz1,266
8771Tangent Comics Vol. 2$19.99DC1,259
8881Black Hole Collected$17.95Random House1,259
8982Madman Vol. 3$17.99Image1,252
90111Last Musketeer$12.95Fantagraphics1,252
9146Tales of Batman Tim Sale HC$29.99DC1,245
92112Doctor Grordborts Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory HC$12.95Dark Horse1,238
93197Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol. 8 Forces of Nature Digest$7.99Marvel1,238
94148Death Jr Vol. 1 Pandora$9.99Seven Seas1,197
95150He Is My Master Vol. 3$9.99Seven Seas1,190
96119Y Last Man Vol. 1 Unmanned$12.99DC1,176
9723Complete Terry & The Pirates HC Vol. 2$49.99IDW1,169
98217Shaman King Vol. 14$7.95Viz1,162
99156Sgt Frog Vol. 14$9.99Tokyopop1,162
10078Okko Cycle of Water HC$19.95Archaia1,162