April 2022 comics sales estimates online: Amazing Spider-Man tops 250k

April 2022 comics order estimates are online at Comichron. They find TMNT: The Last Ronin #5 from IDW topping 100k copies, with Brzrkr and Something Is Killing the Children placing third and fourth once their variants are combined.

Amazing Spider-Man #1 would’ve been by far the market leader were all Marvel’s sales at Diamond. Diamond’s share suggests more than 250,000 copies were moved market-wide, with three more Marvels in the Top 5.

Comichron’s chart defaults to Diamond’s original rankings, leaving variants unmerged — but there’s a column you can sort by to see where Marvel’s projected sales place it. Analysis of Q1 2022 Diamond sales suggests its 34-38% share of Marvel periodical sales seems to be holding.

April marked two years since DC’s departure from its Diamond exclusive — and while a $43-45 million month market-wide, supply chain issues may have led to what was a very light slate for new releases: around 339 new comics from all publishers, including DC, vs. 474 in January.

With only part of Marvel’s sales to scale against, we are not integrating DC projections into the chart at this time — but the page has a separate DC chart, where we project that Justice League #75 was the top DC issue at Lunar in April.

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