

2020 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops

OVERALL North American Dollar Sales for Diamond Comic Distributors' Comics, Graphic Novels, and Magazines for the year through MARCH 31

around $117.78 Million

(down 4.39% year-over-year)

IMPORTANT: Overall sales reporting by Diamond was suspended when the pandemic shutdowns began, so specific data is limited to the first quarter.


#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

After a growth year in 2019 for the Direct Market, 2020 began the same way, up slightly thorugh the first three months of the year. But the Coronavirus pandemic and the shutdowns that followed threw the year into chaos, and DC's move to depart Diamond Comic Distributors added another level of uncertainty.

January saw a first for the comics industry as Wonder Woman #750 became the first issue of the Amazon princess's series to ever lead the market.

February sales were up 7% year-over-year, thanks in part to Wolverine #1.The month also saw the release of the Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey movie on the 7th.

March saw COVID-19 spreading further into the North American market, and by the middle of the month, many links in the supply chain had been shut down. Diamond announced on March 31 that it would pause the shipment of new releases beginning April 1.

In April, no new comics came out except for a handful of DC issues released on April 29 by two new firms, Lunar Distribution and UCS Comics Distributors — sister companies of Diamond's two biggest customers, DCBS (Discount Comic Book Service) and Midtown Comics. DC had announced the plan on April 17.

The first day of May would have seen the release of the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie of the year, Black Widow, but it again was delayed due to the virus — as was Free Comic Book Day, which was later rescheduled as a rolling event through the summer and fall. Diamond started up with new releases on May 20 with a limited slate of comics.

On June 5, DC announced that it was cutting ties with Diamond altogether, forcing retailers who wanted its comics to go through Lunar or UCS, and to Random House for its graphic novels starting in July.

July, thus, marked the first month since April 1997 that retailers were forced to use two distributors to get a full line of comics.

August saw deep staff reductions on August 10 for DC, whose parent company, AT&T, came away from the Time Warner buyout burdened with debt larger than the dollar value of every comic book ever published, even when adjusted for inflation. Against that unhappy news, DC on August 25 released what was likely the bestseller of the year to that point. Jim Lee reported that Batman: Three Jokers #1 sold more than 300,000 copies; Comichron found it was DC's top seller to retailers in dollars and units in August, once all versions were merged. Diamond's sales charts returned in August, though without order index information, market shares, or market size information.

September saw Diamond returning market shares, but there was still no order index data. Comichron projected sales levels for titles. Three Jokers #2 led the merged reports.

October had one fewer New Comic Book Day than it did in 2019.

December has one more Wednesday than it did in 2019. The year has 53 Wednesdays, one more than 2019 — which may or may not impact yearly comparisons depending on how Diamond handles holiday end-of-year sales.

Projected rankings for comics and graphic novels sold by Diamond through March 31 appear below; these are the only items for which exact sales are known. These are aggregated from the Top 500 lists published by the distributor throughout the year, and undershoot sales by whatever months in which reorders did not make the Top 500. Year-end totals will appear on this page in January 2021 and will include those extra months' sales. These figures then should be considered as minimums for the number of copies shipped, with final orders for the year slightly higher. Cardstock and premium variants from DC and other publishers are merged with regular editions for the below rankings.

You can also see our pages for reorders and advance reorders for 2020. We also have a page breaking out ship dates and other information for second printings released during the year.

—John Jackson Miller

This list aggregates known Diamond sales through the end of March 2020.
If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.
Click to read the methodology for this table's estimates.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitsComic-book TitleIssuePriceOn salePublisherEst. units
2Wonder Woman750$9.9901/22/20DC168,632
5Star Wars1$4.9901/01/20Marvel97,053
8Batman91 (All)$3.9903/18/20DC88,735
9Batman90 (All)$3.9903/04/20DC87,385
12Batman86 (All)$4.9901/08/20DC80,053
16Batman88 (All)$4.9902/05/20DC74,423
18Batman87 (All)$4.9901/22/20DC74,126
19DCeased Unkillables1 (All)$5.9902/19/20DC73,698
20Batman89 (All)$4.9902/19/20DC73,390
21Strange Academy1$4.9903/04/20Marvel71,039
23Gwen Stacy1$4.9902/12/20Marvel69,284
24Guardians of the Galaxy1$4.9901/22/20Marvel69,104
25Immortal Hulk33$5.9903/25/20Marvel68,765
26Giant Size X-Men Jean Grey & Emma Frost1$4.9902/26/20Marvel64,700
27Star Wars Darth Vader1$4.9902/05/20Marvel63,866
28Star Wars Bounty Hunters1$3.9903/11/20Marvel61,941
29Amazing Spider-Man39$3.9902/12/20Marvel60,302
30Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spect1$9.9903/18/20DC60,011
31X-Men Fantastic Four1$4.9902/05/20Marvel59,367
32Strange Adventures1*$4.9903/04/20DC58,682
34Amazing Spider-Man38$3.9901/22/20Marvel57,726
35Amazing Spider-Man37$3.9901/08/20Marvel57,520
36DCeased Unkillables2 (All)$4.9903/18/20DC56,650
38Batman: Curse of the White Knight6$4.9901/22/20DC55,270
40Batman Curse of the White Knight7$4.9902/26/20DC54,774
41Iron Man 20201$4.9901/15/20Marvel54,624
42Amazing Spider-Man40$3.9902/26/20Marvel54,210
43Amazing Spider-Man41$3.9903/11/20Marvel53,428
45Batman Curse of the White Knight8$4.9903/25/20DC52,985
47Amazing Spider-Man42$3.9903/25/20Marvel52,142
49X-Men Fantastic Four2$3.9902/26/20Marvel51,753
50Guardians of the Galaxy2$3.9902/19/20Marvel50,934
51Marvels X1$4.9901/08/20Marvel50,710
53New Mutants5$3.9901/08/20Marvel50,013
54Immortal Hulk31$3.9902/12/20Marvel49,545
58Star Wars2$3.9901/29/20Marvel48,273
60Star Wars Darth Vader2$3.9903/11/20Marvel47,431
62Giant Size X-Men Nightcrawler1$4.9903/25/20Marvel46,861
63X-Men Fantastic Four3$3.9903/25/20Marvel46,523
64New Mutants6$3.9901/29/20Marvel46,521
65Immortal Hulk29$3.9901/08/20Marvel46,484
66Mirka Andolfo Mercy1*$3.9903/04/20Image46,483
67Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity2*$5.9901/01/20DC46,426
68Batman Superman6 (All)$4.9901/22/20DC46,422
69Detective Comics1018$3.9901/01/20DC45,660
71Detective Comics1019 (All)$4.9901/22/20DC45,263
72Immortal Hulk30$3.9901/29/20Marvel45,233
74Justice League39$3.9901/29/20DC44,559
75Immortal Hulk Great Power1$4.9902/05/20Marvel44,223
77Justice League40 (All)$4.9902/05/20DC44,170
78Spider-Man Noir1$3.9903/04/20Marvel44,090
79Venom: The End1$4.9901/15/20Marvel44,088
81Star Wars3$3.9902/26/20Marvel43,797
82Captain Marvel16$3.9903/18/20Marvel43,734
83Star Wars4$3.9903/18/20Marvel43,553
85Detective Comics1020 (All)$4.9902/26/20DC43,336
86Immortal Hulk32$3.9903/11/20Marvel43,181
90Detective Comics1021 (All)$3.9903/25/20DC42,798
91Justice League41$3.9902/19/20DC42,682
92Road to Empyre Kree Skrull War1$4.9903/25/20Marvel42,346
93Joker Killer Smile3 $5.9902/19/20DC42,249
95Falcon & Winter Soldier1$3.9902/26/20Marvel42,038
97Justice League42 (All)$3.9903/04/20DC41,683
98Green Lantern Season 21$4.9902/12/20DC41,242
99Batman Superman7 (All)$4.9902/26/20DC41,179
100New Mutants9$3.9903/11/20Marvel40,974
101Justice League43 (All)$3.9903/18/20DC40,886
102New Mutants7$3.9902/19/20Marvel40,427
104Fallen Angels6$3.9901/29/20Marvel39,912
105Symbiote Spider-Man Alien Reality3$3.9902/12/20Marvel39,727
106Fallen Angels5$3.9901/08/20Marvel39,719
108Superman20 (All)$4.9902/12/20DC39,255
109New Mutants8$3.9902/26/20Marvel39,251
112Star Wars Bounty Hunters2$3.9903/25/20Marvel38,918
114Joker Harley Criminal Sanity3 $5.9902/05/20DC38,531
115Action Comics1018 (All)$4.9901/01/20DC38,402
116Batman Superman8 (All)$3.9903/25/20DC38,236
117Batman Pennyworth RIP1$4.9902/12/20DC38,004
121Star Wars Rise Kylo Ren3$3.9902/12/20Marvel36,769
123Year of the Villain Hell Arisen3$4.9902/26/20DC36,250
124Star Wars Rise Kylo Ren4$3.9903/11/20Marvel36,160
125Action Comics1019 (All)$4.9901/29/20DC35,842
126Harley Quinn & Birds of Prey1 $5.9902/12/20DC35,549
127Detective Comics Annual3$4.9901/29/20DC35,508
131Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy5 (All)$4.9901/08/20DC35,018
133Legion of Super Heroes3 (All)$4.9901/15/20DC34,732
134Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy6 (All)$4.9902/12/20DC34,454
136Action Comics1020 (All)$4.9902/26/20DC34,162
137Star Wars Rise Kylo Ren2$3.9901/08/20Marvel33,677
138Conan The Barbarian13$3.9902/19/20Marvel33,576
139Action Comics1021$3.9903/25/20DC33,447
140Green Lantern Season 22$3.9903/11/20DC32,816
141Avengers of the Wastelands1$3.9901/29/20Marvel32,638
142Year of the Villain Hell Arisen4$4.9903/18/20DC32,624
143Flash Forward6$3.9902/19/20DC32,332
144Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen2*$4.9901/22/20DC32,266
145Conan Battle For Serpent Crown1$3.9902/05/20Marvel32,223
146Fantastic Four18$3.9901/22/20Marvel32,134
147Doctor Doom6$3.9903/04/20Marvel32,089
149Fantastic Four19$3.9902/19/20Marvel31,472
150Marvels X2$4.9902/12/20Marvel31,319
151Flash85 (All)$4.9901/01/20DC31,237
152Fantastic Four20$3.9903/18/20Marvel31,031
153Guardians of the Galaxy3$3.9903/18/20Marvel30,958
155Batmans Grave4$3.9901/15/20DC30,726
156Captain Marvel14$3.9901/22/20Marvel30,710
157Legion of Super Heroes4 (All)$4.9902/19/20DC30,675
158Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles4$3.9903/18/20Boom30,582
159Captain Marvel15$3.9902/19/20Marvel30,579
160Web of Venom: Good Son1$4.9901/22/20Marvel30,345
161Flash86 (All)$4.9901/15/20DC29,951
164Green Lantern: Blackstars3$3.9901/29/20DC29,884
165Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality2$3.9901/08/20Marvel29,813
167Savage Avengers9$3.9901/08/20Marvel29,687
168Flash88 (All)$4.9902/12/20DC29,671
170Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles2$3.9901/08/20Boom29,526
171Sub-Mariner Marvels Snapshot1$4.9903/11/20Marvel29,404
174Gwen Stacy2$3.9903/11/20Marvel29,161
175Iron Man 20202$4.9902/12/20Marvel29,128
177Legion of Super-Heroes5 (All)$3.9903/25/20DC29,058
178Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles3*$3.9902/05/20Boom28,853
179Batmans Grave5$3.9902/12/20DC28,817
181Hawkeye Freefall1$3.9901/01/20Marvel28,609
182Dollar Comics Batman Adventures12$1.0001/15/20DC28,605
183Deadpool The End1$4.9901/29/20Marvel28,474
184Captain America18$3.9901/29/20Marvel28,338
185Savage Avengers10$3.9902/12/20Marvel28,280
186Leviathan Dawn1$4.9902/26/20DC28,149
187Batman's Grave6$3.9903/11/20DC28,059
188Miles Morales: The End1$4.9901/08/20Marvel27,992
190Captain America19$3.9902/19/20Marvel27,929
191Savage Avengers11$3.9903/04/20Marvel27,811
193Superman Heroes1$5.9902/12/20DC27,296
194Revenge of Cosmic Ghost Rider2$3.9901/15/20Marvel26,998
195Captain America20$3.9903/18/20Marvel26,997
196Iron Man 20203$4.9903/04/20Marvel26,670
197Wonder Woman751$3.9902/12/20DC26,624
198Doctor Strange2$3.9901/29/20Marvel26,440
199Wonder Woman752$3.9902/26/20DC26,342
200Undiscovered Country3$3.9901/15/20Image26,132
201Captain America The End1$4.9902/05/20Marvel26,112
203Miles Morales Spider-Man15$3.9902/05/20Marvel25,855
204Wonder Woman753$3.9903/11/20DC25,508
205Catwoman19 (All)$4.9901/08/20DC25,313
206Miles Morales Spider-Man14$3.9901/01/20Marvel25,281
207Black Cat8$3.9901/08/20Marvel25,271
208Miles Morales Spider-Man16$3.9903/04/20Marvel25,157
209Ruins of Ravencroft Carnage1$4.9901/08/20Marvel25,127
210Wonder Woman754 (All)$3.9903/25/20DC25,109
211Wonder Woman Dead Earth2*$6.9902/19/20DC24,976
212Justice League Dark18$3.9901/01/20DC24,845
213Flash Forward5$3.9901/15/20DC24,830
214Captain Marvel The End1$4.9901/29/20Marvel24,804
216Valkyrie Jane Foster9$3.9903/18/20Marvel24,563
217Question The Deaths of Vic Sage2$6.9901/15/20DC24,553
218Superman Villains1$5.9903/04/20DC24,434
220Atlantis Attacks2$3.9902/19/20Marvel24,125
221Undiscovered Country4 $3.9902/19/20Image24,034
222Doctor Doom4$3.9901/01/20Marvel23,967
223Suicide Squad2 (All)$4.9901/29/20DC23,741
224Avengers of the Wastelands2$3.9902/26/20Marvel23,704
225Conan the Barbarian12$3.9901/29/20Marvel23,679
226Robert E. Howard's Dark Agnes1$3.9902/05/20Marvel23,631
228Harley Quinn69$3.9901/01/20DC23,480
229Ghost Rider4$3.9901/08/20Marvel23,472
230Ghost Rider6$3.9903/11/20Marvel23,466
231Symbiote Spider-Man Alien Reality4$3.9903/11/20Marvel23,465
233Hawkeye Free Fall2$3.9901/29/20Marvel23,363
234Plunge1* (All)$4.9902/19/20DC23,346
235Justice League Dark19$3.9901/29/20DC23,308
236X-O Manowar1$3.9903/25/20Valiant23,249
238Black Cat10$3.9903/04/20Marvel23,213
239Savage Avengers0$4.9902/05/20Marvel23,153
240Dr Strange3$3.9902/12/20Marvel23,126
241Amazing Spider-Man Daily Bugle1$3.9901/29/20Marvel23,078
243Justice League Dark20$3.9902/26/20DC22,864
244Undiscovered Country5$3.9903/18/20Image22,851
245Scream Curse of Carnage3$3.9901/29/20Marvel22,658
246Doctor Doom5$3.9902/05/20Marvel22,651
248Red Sonja Age of Chaos1*$3.9901/22/20Dynamite22,529
249Justice League Dark21$3.9903/25/20DC22,377
250Doctor Strange The End1$4.9901/29/20Marvel22,258
251Basketful of Heads4 $3.9901/22/20DC22,244
252Harley Quinn70$3.9902/05/20DC22,198
253Ghost Rider5$3.9902/26/20Marvel22,155
254Harley Quinn71$3.9903/04/20DC21,956
255DC Crimes of Passion1$9.9902/05/20DC21,930
256Daphne Byrne1 (All)$4.9901/08/20DC21,834
257Black Cat9$3.9902/05/20Marvel21,725
259Young Justice12 (All)$4.9901/08/20DC21,401
260TMNT Jennika1*$4.9902/26/20IDW21,317
261Doctor Strange4$3.9903/04/20Marvel21,291
262Revenge of Cosmic Ghost Rider3$3.9902/19/20Marvel21,168
263Conan The Barbarian14$3.9903/18/20Marvel20,983
264Suicide Squad3$3.9902/26/20DC20,977
265Transformers Vs. Terminator1$4.9903/25/20IDW20,931
266Young Justice13$3.9902/05/20DC20,701
269Suicide Squad4$3.9903/25/20DC20,454
270Basketful of Heads5 $3.9902/26/20DC20,449
272Weapon Plus World War IV$4.9901/29/20Marvel20,296
273Punisher Soviet3 $3.9901/01/20Marvel20,277
274Conan Serpent War3$3.9901/08/20Marvel20,058
275Young Justice14$3.9903/11/20DC19,833
276Basketful of Heads6$3.9903/25/20DC19,808
277Atlantis Attacks1$3.9901/22/20Marvel19,802
278Supergirl38 (All)$4.9901/08/20DC19,775
280Punisher Soviet4 $3.9902/26/20Marvel19,443
281Punisher Soviet5$3.9903/11/20Marvel19,295
282Ruins of Ravencroft Sabretooth1$4.9901/15/20Marvel19,267
283Marvel's Spider-Man Black Cat Strikes1$3.9901/15/20Marvel19,244
287Amethyst1* (All)$4.9902/26/20DC18,913
288Lois Lane7$3.9901/01/20DC18,694
290Supergirl39 (All)$4.9902/12/20DC18,636
291Red Sonja Age of Chaos2*$3.9902/19/20Dynamite18,586
292Amazing Mary Jane4$3.9901/08/20Marvel18,527
293Cimmerian Queen of Black Coast1$3.9903/04/20Ablaze18,475
294Conan Serpent War4$4.9901/22/20Marvel18,463
295Valkyrie Jane Foster7$3.9901/15/20Marvel18,448
296Red Sonja Age of Chaos3$3.9903/18/20Dynamite18,439
297Spirits Ghost Rider Mother of Demons1$4.9902/12/20Marvel18,400
298Revenge of Cosmic Ghost Rider4$3.9903/25/20Marvel18,375
299Punisher Soviet6$3.9903/25/20Marvel18,366
300Valkyrie Jane Foster8$3.9902/19/20Marvel18,292

2020 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Shipped to North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top Graphic Novel charts. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.

The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

Projected rankings for hardcovers and trade paperbacks sold by Diamond during the year appear below. These are aggregated from the Top 500 lists published by the distributor throughout the year, and undershoot sales by whatever months in which orders did not make the Top 500. Year-end totals will appear on this page in January 2021 and will include those extra months' sales. These figures then should be considered as minimums for the number of copies shipped, with final orders for the year higher.

UnitsTrade Paperback titlePricePublisherEst. units
1Harleen HC$29.99DC7,715
2Die Vol. 2 Split The Party$16.99Image5,859
4Absolute Carnage$29.99Marvel5,359
5Locke & Key Vol. 1 Welcome to Lovecraft$19.99IDW4,938
6House of X/Powers of X HC$60.00Marvel4,757
7Batman Tales Once Upon a Crime$9.99DC4,606
8Star Wars Vader Down$19.99Marvel4,577
9Diana Princess of the Amazons$9.99DC4,215
10Star Wars Darth Vader Vol. 4 End of Games$19.99Marvel4,145
11League of Legends Lux$15.99Marvel4,139
12Once & Future Vol. 1$16.99Boom3,906
13Critical Role Vol. 1 Vox Machina Origins$19.99Dark Horse3,837
14Shadow of the Batgirl$16.99DC3,730
15Star Wars Chewbacca$16.99Marvel3,642
16Star Wars Vol. 2 Showdown on the Smugglers Moon$19.99Marvel3,639
17Die Vol. 1 Fantasy Heartbreaker$9.99Image3,531
18My Hero Academia Vol. 23$9.99Viz3,512
19Star Wars Vol. 3 Rebel Jail$19.99Marvel3,472
20Star Wars Princess Leia$16.99Marvel3,469
21Something Is Killing Children Vol. 1 Discover Now$14.99Boom3,436
22Immortal Hulk Vol. 6$15.99Marvel3,420
23Star Wars Han Solo$16.99Marvel3,417
24Star Wars Journey to Star Wars HC Fase$24.99Marvel3,416
25Stranger Things Zombie Boys Vol. 1$10.99Dark Horse3,361
26DC Super Hero Girls Powerless$9.99DC3,336
27Green Lantern Legacy$9.99DC3,314
28Zatanna and the House of Secrets$9.99DC3,242
29Saga Vol. 1$9.99Image3,232
30My Hero Academia Vol. 22$9.99Viz3,221
31My Hero Academia Vol. 1$9.99Viz3,219
32Monstress Vol. 1$9.99Image3,153
33Star Wars Kanan Vol. 2 First Blood$17.99Marvel3,146
34Venom By Donny Cates Vol. 3 Absolute Carnage$15.99Marvel3,141
35No Longer Human HC Junji Ito$34.99Viz3,129
36Star Wars Force Awakens Adaptation HC$24.99Marvel3,101
37Star Wars HC Vol. 1 Cassaday Cvr$34.99Marvel2,986
38Black Hammer Vol. 4 Age of Doom Part II$19.99Dark Horse2,971
39Dawn of X Vol. 1$24.99Marvel2,908
40Rat Queens Vol. 7 Once & Future King$16.99Image2,902
41Legend of Korra Part 3 Ruins of Empire$10.99Dark Horse2,827
42History of Marvel Univ Treasury Ed$29.99Marvel2,779
43Wonder Woman Warbringer$16.99DC2,751
44Incredible Hulk By Peter David Omnibus HC Vol. 1$125.00Marvel2,684
45Batman The Killing Joke HC$17.99DC2,671
46Doomsday Clock HC Part 1$24.99DC2,649
47Star Wars Target Vader$17.99Marvel2,614
48New Mutants By Hickman Vol. 1$15.99Marvel2,586
49King Thor$15.99Marvel2,563
50Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Rebellion Vol. 1$39.99Marvel2,518
51One Punch Man Vol. 18$9.99Viz2,479
52Oracle Code$16.99DC2,474
53Star Wars Special Edition HC New Hope$24.99Marvel2,466
54Batman Who Laughs HC$29.99DC2,452
55Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Empire Vol. 2$39.99Marvel2,437
56Paper Girls Vol. 1$9.99Image2,435
57Monstress Vol. 4$16.99Image2,392
58Boys Omnibus Vol. 1$29.99Dynamite2,387
59Lazarus Vol. 6$16.99Image2,356
60Star Wars Poe Dameron Vol. 1 Black Squadron$19.99Marvel2,352
61Star Wars Vol. 13 Rogues and Rebels$17.99Marvel2,328
62One Punch Man Vol. 19$9.99Viz2,311
63Bowie Stardust Rayguns & Moonage Daydreams HC$39.99Insight2,290
64Batman White Knight$19.99DC2,286
65Batman Overdrive$9.99DC2,277
66Rick and Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons Vol. 2 Painscape$19.99Oni2,265
67Witcher Omnibus Vol. 1$24.99Dark Horse2,242
68Amazing Spider-Man By Nick Spencer Vol. 6 Absolute Carnag$17.99Marvel2,240
69Dceased HC$29.99DC2,207
70Locke & Key Vol. 2 Head Games$19.99IDW2,202
71Star Wars Legends Epic Collection New Republic Vol. 2$39.99Marvel2,201
72Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Rebellion Vol. 2$39.99Marvel2,201
73Star Wars Journey to Star Wars Force Awakens Shatter Empire$16.99Marvel2,198
74Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Newspaper Strip Vol. 1$39.99Marvel2,195
75Star Wars Lando$16.99Marvel2,184
76League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. IV Tempest HC$29.99IDW2,179
77Tales From The Dark Multiverse HC$34.99DC2,143
78Dragon Ball Super Vol. 7$9.99Viz2,139
79Fantastic Four Grand Design$29.99Marvel2,126
80Star Wars Legends Epic Coll Original Marvel Years Vol. 1$39.99Marvel2,096
81Dawn of X Vol. 2$17.99Marvel2,094
82Black Cat Vol. 1 Grand Theft Marvel$15.99Marvel2,086
83Sea of Stars Vol. 1$14.99Image2,073
84Star Wars Darth Vader Vol. 3 Shu Torun War$16.99Marvel2,050
85Miles Morales Vol. 2 Bring On Bad Guys$15.99Marvel2,045
86Trees Vol. 3$14.99Image2,031
87Dragon Ball Super Vol. 8$9.99Viz2,023
88Conan Barbarian Orig Marvel Yrs Omnibus HC Vol. 3$125.00Marvel1,996
89Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba Vol. 1$9.99Viz1,979
90Berserk Deluxe Edition HC Vol. 4$49.99Dark Horse1,966
91Absolute Carnage Vs. Deadpool$15.99Marvel1,964
92Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls$16.99DC1,955
93DC Poster Portfolio Joshua Middleton$24.99DC1,951
94My Hero Academia Vol. 2$9.99Viz1,937
95Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Maximum Carnage$39.99Marvel1,929
96Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Empire Vol. 3$39.99Marvel1,918
97Transformers Classic TV Magazine Manga HC Vol. 1$24.99Viz1,914
98Oblivion Song By Kirkman & De Felici Vol. 4$16.99Image1,885
99Star Wars Doctor Aphra Vol. 7 Rogues End$17.99Marvel1,882
100Umbrella Academy Vol. 1 Apocalypse Suite$17.99Dark Horse1,868
101Star Wars Darth Vader Dark Lord Sith Vol. 1 Imperial Mach$17.99Marvel1,849
102Dawn of X Vol. 3$17.99Marvel1,849
103Batman Damned HC$29.99DC1,833
104Birds of Prey Harley Quinn$19.99DC1,830
105Silver Surfer Black Treasury Edition$29.99Marvel1,816
106Conan The Barbarian Vol. 2 Life and Death of Conan Book Two$17.99Marvel1,815
107Star Wars Darth Vader Vol. 1 Vader$19.99Marvel1,806
108Ghost-Spider Dog Days Are Over$15.99Marvel1,802
109Pretty Deadly Vol. 3 The Rat$14.99Image1,798
110Space Bandits$16.99Image1,790
111Dark Nights Metal$19.99DC1,788
112Doctor Doom Vol. 1 Pottersville$15.99Marvel1,736
113Second Coming Vol. 1$19.99Ahoy1,726
114Gideon Falls Vol. 1 Black Barn$9.99Image1,676
115Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Vol. 6$9.99Viz1,674
116Valkyrie Jane Foster Vol. 1$17.99Marvel1,661
117Event Leviathan HC$29.99DC1,642
118Sandman Vol. 1 Preludes & Nocturnes 30th Anniv Ed$19.99DC1,641
119Marvel Comics 1000 HC$29.99Marvel1,638
120Star Wars Kanan Omnibus HC$34.99Marvel1,625
121Dead Eyes Vol. 1$14.99Image1,607
122Daredevil By Bendis & Maleev Omnibus HC Vol. 1$100.00Marvel1,591
123Absolute Carnage Miles Morales$15.99Marvel1,570
124Batman White Knight Deluxe Edition HC$49.99DC1,562
125Money Shot$17.99Vault1,558
126Reaver Vol. 1$16.99Image1,555
127Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 5 Challenge of Ghost Riders$15.99Marvel1,553
128Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Faithless$24.99Marvel1,553
129Locke & Key Vol. 3 Crown of Shadows$19.99IDW1,552
130Paper Girls Vol. 6$14.99Image1,552
131Kevin Eastman Totally Twisted Tales Vol. 1$12.99Clover1,549
132Samurai 8 Tale of Hachimaru Vol. 1$9.99Viz1,549
133Marvel Monograph Art of Arthur Adams X-Men$19.99Marvel1,548
134Saga Vol. 9$14.99Image1,547
135Teen Titans Raven DC Ink$16.99DC1,538
136Dreaming Vol. 2 Empty Shells$16.99DC1,534
137Monstress Vol. 2$16.99Image1,527
138Captain Marvel Vol. 2 Falling Star$17.99Marvel1,506
139Absolute Carnage Immortal Hulk & Other Tales$15.99Marvel1,480
141Uzumaki 3In1 Dlx Ed HC Junji Ito$27.99Viz1,476
142Joker Black Label$14.99DC1,472
143Batman Universe HC$24.99DC1,472
144My Hero Academia Vol. 3$9.99Viz1,450
145Saga Vol. 2$14.99Image1,448
146Amazing Spider-Man Epic Coll Secret of Petrified Tablet$39.99Marvel1,447
147Star Wars HC Vol. 2 Aja Cvr$34.99Marvel1,446
148Batman The Long Halloween$29.99DC1,436
149Dawn of X Vol. 4$17.99Marvel1,436
150Spirit 80Th Anniv Celebration Vol. 1$12.99Clover1,432
151Batman Detective Comics Vol. 1 Mythology$17.99DC1,424
152Star Wars Vol. 4 Last Flight of the Harbinger$19.99Marvel1,408
153Wolverine Daughter of Wolverine$15.99Marvel1,406
154Buffy The Vampire Slayer Vol. 2$14.99Boom1,403
155Lucifer Vol. 2 The Divine Tragedy$16.99DC1,401
156Black Hammer Justice League Hammer of Justice HC$29.99Dark Horse1,397
157Batman Alfred Pennyworth$19.99DC1,393
158Middlewest Book 1$9.99Image1,380
159Wonder Woman Spirit of Truth HC$17.99DC1,367
160Captain America by Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. 3 Legend of Steve$19.99Marvel1,363
161Absolute Carnage Scream$15.99Marvel1,362
162Black Widow Waid Samnee Complete Collection$29.99Marvel1,360
163Spider-Man Miles Morales Omnibus HC$100.00Marvel1,347
164Spider-Man Life Story$24.99Marvel1,342
165Miles Morales Great Responsibility$12.99Marvel1,335
166Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors$15.99Marvel1,328
167Star Wars Screaming Citadel$17.99Marvel1,325
168Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba Vol. 10$9.99Viz1,324
169Fantastic Four Vol. 4 Thing Vs. Immortal Hulk$15.99Marvel1,323
170Immortal Hulk Vol. 1 or Is He Both$15.99Marvel1,320
171Locke & Key Vol. 4 Keys to the Kingdom$19.99IDW1,318
172Monstress Vol. 3$16.99Image1,314
173Umbrella Academy Vol. 3 Hotel Oblivion$19.99Dark Horse1,311
174Chrononauts Vol. 2$14.99Image1,310
175Superman Red Son$17.99DC1,303
176Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol. 2 Hostile Takeovers$17.99Marvel1,298
177Web of Black Widow$15.99Marvel1,290
178Rocket Raccoon and Groot Tall Tails$12.99Marvel1,289
179Superman Vol. 2 The Unity Saga House of El$19.99DC1,279
180Books of Magic Vol. 2 Second Quarto$16.99DC1,277
181Oz Complete Collection Vol. 1 Wonderful Wizard Marvelo$15.99Marvel1,263
182Swamp Thing Tales From The Bayou$16.99DC1,259
183My Hero Academia Smash Vol. 3$9.99Viz1,257
184Injustice Vs. The Masters of the Universe$16.99DC1,254
185Black Panther Book 8 Intergalactic Empire Wakanda Part 3$17.99Marvel1,252
186Unearth Vol. 1$14.99Image1,247
187Locke & Key Vol. 5 Clockworks$19.99IDW1,243
188Earth X$29.99Marvel1,242
189Doctor Strange By Mark Waid Vol. 4 Choice$15.99Marvel1,240
190Uncanny X-Force By Remender Omnibus HC$100.00Marvel1,232
191Mister Miracle$24.99DC1,221
192Locke & Key Vol. 6 Alpha & Omega$24.99IDW1,221
193Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Great Power$34.99Marvel1,220
194Star Wars Legends of Luke Skywalker Manga (Oct198848)$14.99Viz1,215
195Breathers #2$7.99It's Alive1,211
196Gwenpool Strikes Back$15.99Marvel1,207
197Jojos Bizarre Adv 4 Diamond Is Unbreakable HC Vol. 4$19.99Viz1,207
198Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 12$15.99Marvel1,206
199Harley Quinn Vol. 4 The Final Trial$19.99DC1,206
200Hellblazer Vol. 22 Regeneration$29.99DC1,198


Our industrywide analyses covering orders from Diamond Comic Distributors and, beginning in April, including DC's distributors for individual months can be found below. Covers for later months depict some of the top advance-reordered books for each month:


Our analyses of orders from Diamond Comic Distributors for individual months can be found below. Covers for later months depict some of the top advance-reordered books for each month:


Comichron's projected rankings from DC's distributors, UCS Comics Distributors and Lunar Distribution, for individual months can be found below.


Also click to see 2020's Reorders and Advance Reorders.